Browser window size at system startup
joker-63 last edited by
Hi All!
When the system starts, Opera starts automatically for me.
Where can I set the window size in which the browser should start.
Thanks! -
miqwalsh last edited by
This is quite common for the Linux version of Opera. In Puppy Linux, we modify the package to run from a wrapper-script; this allows the addition of any "switches" from the Chromium-base command line. Needs the addition of the
...."switch" to the wrapper-script's exec line.
However, for the downloaded .deb package you can get the same effect by going into /usr/share/appliations, finding the opera.desktop file, opening it up with a text-editor, and doing the following:-
Change the Exec line from:-
opera %U that it now reads:-
opera %U --start-maximized
This will do what you want. (Make sure to leave a space before you add the new stuff on the end. Save, exit, then re-start the browser.)
joker-63 last edited by
In Ubuntu where is the opera.desktop file?
Opera installed from Snap. -