@johnnyboycurtis :
Newbie here to the forum, though not to Linux OR to Chromium-based browsers; I've been building browser packages for the Puppy Linux community for some years. These often have to be modified from 'standard' layout to accommodate Puppy's 'run-as-root' model.
Many of my community compatriots used to be enamoured of the old Opera 12, based on the 'Presto' engine. Me, I could never get the hang of its 'quirky' way of doing things....
I regularly produce packages for Chrome itself, Iron & SlimJet, in addition to Opera, which I've only turned my attention to this last few months. I have to confess, I DO like it!
Now then; to echo nesar77 above....what is it with the current Opera 66 releases? It's the same story for any of the Chromium-based browsers since they moved to v78 onwards, and this darned WidevineCDM sub-directory, with all its associated extra crap....although I'm pleased to see that Opera hasn't bothered with it. I especially like the .json files in /opera/resources; the 'preloads' make it easy to locate stuff & configure it.
'Portable' applications are very popular with Puppy users in general, given that many of us still use hardware that a lot of you would have probably consigned to the 'tech' scrap-heap years ago.. With low system resources, being able to run things external to the system is a god-send, since in many cases we can run 'em from a flash drive.
So; in addition to others, I've recently been building Opera as a 'portable', self-contained item, with its profile and everything else internal to the portable's directory.....along with a user-triggered auto-updater for PepperFlash. It all works very well. With assistance from one or two other community members, we've been using the 'tee' command in the portable's 'launch' script, which then points to a wrapper I put together to fire Opera up. (We tried starting Opera directly as in the .deb package, but with Pup's odd way of doing things, all these Chromium-based browsers need wrappers to start 'em..!)
The 'tee' command has been used to re-write the paths in the 'resources' directory's .json files, so that Opera always has absolute paths for libwidevine, PepperFlash and libffmpeg. Remember, this is a 'portable', so can be run from anywhere. Literally. That being the case, of course, the absolute paths are going to keep changing as you move it from one location to another....
But from v66 onwards, no matter what I do, I cannot make Opera 'see' libwidevine at all. Creating /opt/google/chrome/libwidevinecdm.so was one of the first things I tried; NetFlix turned its nose up, and insisted that libwidevine simply didn't exist. Using the 'tee' command makes it virtually impossible for the browser NOT to find the item in question, because those paths are re-evaluated/re-written every time you fire Opera up.....
Curiously, examining the 'components' lists in both Chrome and Opera reveals one telling difference. In Chrome, every item in that list has a version number; if things update, the number changes. In Opera's list - which is rather shorter - everything has a version number, except WideVine. It only has showing, no matter how many times you try to update. This is the one thing NetFlix insists you try to 'update', when WideVine doesn't function as it should.....except it ain't doing what it's supposed to do!
Sorry for the length of this missive, but NetFlix is kind of a 'prerequisite' for me. Anybody have any other ideas on this one? I'm always open to suggestions, 'cos when I get these browser builds to behave themselves, it benefits the whole community, y'see.