Flow not updating
forever7 last edited by
Today my Flow stopped updating in one of my PCs. It's working on my phone and secondary PC but it won't update in this one. It doesn't matter if the link came from a phone or this own PC, it just doesn't show up here
miketuxedoo last edited by
Sadly same for me. It seems that nearly every Update breaks flow-connections between different OS. I use Opera on my Linuxlaptop, Windows at work and Androidversion on my Phone (not the new Opera for android, the old has a way better userinterface).
This is realy annoying, because that functionality was the main reason for me to switch from FF to Opera.Is it realy not possible to not break flowconnections with Updates!?
dwb790 last edited by
same for me. I have it on about 6 devices and it's just not working on my work PC anymore. Works messages out but not messages in