Lost many tabs after a crash
jezuz last edited by
Hello there!
I am doing some research and had over 200 tabs open, spread on 5 Opera Workspaces. I always trusted Opera to recover my sessions as I never experienced a problem.
However, another program caused my PC to freeze and I had to reboot it.
This time Opera only restored a few tabs on each session. They do not appear on History either, as they have not been visited recently, had them open to revisit as my work progressed.
Why were only few of the tabs restored, and is there a way to restore the rest?
Thank you for your time! -
naheed last edited by
You need to copy opera sessions and tabs files to a secure place. Replace Current Session and Tabs with the backup "Last Session" and "Last Tabs" that you just made.
morang last edited by leocg
Why there isn't a function in Opera who saved regularly the two files "Current Session" & "Current Tabs" in a subfolder or other place (choosen by user at the install of program...) with an incremential number (date or something else ... ) as it is possible in pro software (aka Autocad as I use it regularly) and i ask that because I encountered this morning same problem as @jezuz !
But due to bad manip I did, I can't restor "Last Session" & "Last Tabs". These files are lost...
MoranP.S. : I use also Mozilla Firefox and there is possibility to use a "Session manager" which give possibility to save all sessions and allows to reopened them whatsoever Moz or Windows crashes ...
P.S. bis : it is better to indicate the folder of files :
Current/Last Session & Current/Last Tabs
here it is :
C:\Users\The Boss\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable -
morang last edited by
I found a "Session manager" :
Session Buddy
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/session-buddy/edacconmaakjimmfgnblocblbcdcpbko -