Opera doesn't show all my bookmarks in "Other bookmarks"
l33t4opera last edited by l33t4opera
@mathias87 It's not about it, I tested whether this will work or not, as I wrote above. If you want, you can move the items from "Other bookmarks" to separate subfolder in it (using bookmarks manager), and see if this works for you.
Please note, that there may be a reason (it might be done intentionally), that it behaves like this, when you have a lot of items directly under "Other bookmarks". -
mathias87 last edited by
@l33t4opera Fact is it didn't behave like it does now before I updated Opera to this version.
pindos last edited by pindos
@l33t4opera These are all bookmark in opera tab:
And that what I see when I point to them directly from menu:
As you can see the top of the list is cut. And there are no scroll buttons above as they were in previous versions of Opera. I even can't scroll them with the mouse wheel.
These screenshots I made in Linux. In Windows I have the same thing. -
l33t4opera last edited by
@pindos I understand, and what about the other items in the subfolders, e.g. "SSD", are they all visible?
pindos last edited by pindos
@l33t4opera All items in SSD folder are visible, but if you go to the bookmarks through the Opera's tab. But I can't access it directly from menu, as it shown on last screenshot. The SSD folder is above the screen, and I can't scroll there.
l33t4opera last edited by
@pindos I see, and what if you move few items e.g. 5 from the root (Imported from Opera) folder to some another folder, are you able to see the SSD subfolder then?
pindos last edited by pindos
@l33t4opera As it was said by @mathias87 I'm tired of experiments.
It looks like a bug of a new version. I'm not the only one who have this problem.
Of course, If I reduce the amount of bookmarks in some folder to the number that can be fit in my screen, I'll see them all. -
l33t4opera last edited by
@pindos I asked about, because as I said above, there may be a reason for that behavior in the new version, e.g. limiting amount of items in a directory to for example improve performance.
pindos last edited by pindos
@l33t4opera May be I'm wrong, but I can't see any reason to limit the amount of bookmarks. And more then that, there are no any limits at all now. I can place what ever I want to bookmarks folders, and I can see and access them all. But only if I use tabs to see them. I there is any limit, it is only in screen resolution of a computer.
The amount of bookmarks can't affect the performance. All bookmarks are simply shortcuts to web pages. -
mathias87 last edited by mathias87
Very weird "new" behaviour of the bookmars bar after I saved some more bookmarks to it. The scroll buttons re-appeared:
l33t4opera last edited by l33t4opera
@pindos I understand. I mean, that perhaps there's temporary limit (for some reasons) on how many items can be displayed (not added) in a folder in Bookmarks from the Opera's menu. As I remember, there was similar issue with that in the past, which was fixed later.
l33t4opera last edited by sgunhouse
Hi again, I have already reproduced the issue by adding more/enough items in one folder in Bookmarks from under Opera's menu.
l33t4opera last edited by l33t4opera
Hi @mathias87, @pindos, the issue looks to be fixed in the latest update (67.0.3575.53).
pindos last edited by
@l33t4opera Yes! I've just updated. All my bookmarks can be scrolled and are visible now.
glamadiva last edited by
@mathias87 Yes, yesterday I had Bookmarks and Other Bookmarks, now I can only find them by clicking at the top and rolling thru all of them. I dont know, should I restart Opera, maybe that will bring them back? Plus many pages say Unavailable on Opera yet I can get them on the horrible Chrome!