Mouse "go back button" support - logitech mx master 2s
BlueIce4123 last edited by
Hi There,
My system is MacOS Mojave 10.14.5 with latest version of Opera Browser.
My Logitech mouse can navigate (back, forward) between the pages in Safari Chrome even in Finder with no problem.Is there any way I can set the Opera Browser to cooperate with my mouse? I wonder if there's any advanced setting of the browser "blocking" my mouse signal.
Much thanks.
A Former User last edited by
I'm not the most experienced Opera user around here, but I've been using logitech mice since they first came out with their original trackball.
Please go to logitech and make sure you have the latest driver/software version for your device. If not, get it and install it.
Also, both the forward and back buttons on Logi mice will not work if you are inside an "entry" field, i.e. anything that accepts keyboard or such type data. Click outside those fields first, then your forward and back stuff should work like it does in the other browserss.
BlueIce4123 last edited by
Hi Junkitt,
Big thanks for your reply!-
I have tried install and re-install the latest driver for the mouse and also the browser APP, however there is no difference.
I just tried out not having an active "entry" field selected + back/forward in Opera with no luck.
BTW, even having an active field in Safari and Chrome the back/forward button still works.
Anyway, thanks for your good heart!
vyrgozunqk last edited by
Hey mate, for me (using Logitech G603) the back and forward keys work fine. However not in other browsers.
Generally MacOS does not understand the Mouse4 and Mouse5 keys. Thus your logitech software probably binds them to key combination such as cmd+[ . Otherwise the other browsers won't understand them. This is why I suffer with my G603. No other browser than Opera understands them, untill I map them. Which sucks because I need them for other stuff. -
A Former User last edited by
Enter this line in terminal to stop update to 60
defaults write com.operasoftware.Opera OPDisableAutoUpdate trueRoll back to Opera 58 your back/forward buttons will work fine.
tcar984 last edited by
Hi All,
I have the same issue with Logitech MX Vertical - mouse4 and mouse5 buttons are working perfectly as back and forward buttons throughout macOS including all web browsers except Opera. This bug only started happening recently. I'm still hoping Opera team will fix this annoyance as the bug is obviously introduced locally to the Opera browser.