Widevine and Opera
A Former User last edited by
Hi guys
From this link : Flash drm content
The NPAPI plugin flashplugin supported DRM until version The PPAPI pepper-flash has never supported DRM at all. As of May 2017, there is no known way to use Flash DRM content with the current versions both plugins.
Fix :
DRM content on Flash still requires HAL to play. This is apparent for example with WatchESPN, HBO GO, or Demand 5 (Channel 5 UK). If you attempt to play a DRM-protected content without HAL, you may see the following error: an error occurred and your player could not be updated.
To deliver DRM-protected content, Flash calls several functions provided by the HAL daemon and its libraries. While Flash-based players remain popular, HAL has been deprecated and is not commonly installed on newer systems. To provide the necessary HAL functionality on such systems, you can either install the full HAL package and run the HAL daemon or install a modified HAL library "stub" that uses the modern UDisks daemon instead.
Food for thought
zekemx last edited by zekemx
On Google Chrome I enabled flash playback with no success, it might be what you mentioned.
Flash on firefox for linux works great as well as widevine on both firefox and google chrome.
Unfortunately Opera does not and there seems no interest in opera to fix this.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by leocg
Try this:
Install Chrome using the deb package
Install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra package: sudo apt update && sudo apt install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra
Install Opera using the deb package
Note: Not a Linux user myself, so I can't check if it works
A Former User last edited by
Why install those ?
The only package required for flash is pepper flash.From previous post :
The NPAPI plugin flashplugin supported DRM until version The PPAPI pepper-flash has never supported DRM at all. As of May 2017, there is no known way to use Flash DRM content with the current versions both plugins.
Maybe your distro is also impacted by glibc
See this post : Flash not working -
zekemx last edited by
I just ran Opera -no-sandbox
Flash player works great.
Still no widevine yet... So I cannot play spotify or netflix in Opera Linux.
A Former User last edited by
From arch wiki : Widevine
Companies including Amazon Video, BBC, Hulu, Netflix and Spotify secure premium content using Widevine DRM
The PPAPI pepper-flash has never supported DRM at all
Sooooooooooooo ... for netflix and spotify use firefox.
fiambredunicornio last edited by
What I did was install chrome and copied the widevine file to a different directory (cp /opt/google/chrome/libwidevinecdm.so /opt/widevine/), then edited /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/resources/widevine_config.json to preload that new location. Then proceeded to purge google chrome and it kept working on opera.
Hope this can help -
zibi1981 last edited by
@fiambredunicornio Does this mean you were able to make Widevine/DRM work on Opera? What does this page say to you?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@zibi1981 Widevine has worked again for a while on Linux in Opera. Netflix still wasn't working but Netflix fixed the issue themselves on 5/23/2019 and it was confirmed fixed by Opera. Also, this user confirmed it's fixed on Ubuntu for example. Proprietary codecs are still working correctly in Opera too. see <https://www.reddit.com/r/operabrowser/comments/bcjpne/howto_opera_60_h264_in_ubuntu_1404/ for example. Things have been tested on the page you mention too.
zekemx last edited by
It all has to do with "libffmpeg.so" included with opera for Linux.
Replace it with this one - > https://github.com/iteufel/nwjs-ffmpeg-prebuilt/releases/Once replaced you will have h264 and widevine support.
I looked everywhere to fix widevine support, but once I found out how to fix h264 that widevine (AFAIK) requires, everything started working.
It's too bad Opera hasn't fix this or doesn't care...
I hope this helps..
Ezequiel Partida -
A Former User last edited by
@zekemx said in Widevine and Opera:
It all has to do with "libffmpeg.so" included with opera for Linux.
Replace it with this one - > https://github.com/iteufel/nwjs-ffmpeg-prebuilt/releases/Once replaced you will have h264 and widevine support.
I looked everywhere to fix widevine support, but once I found out how to fix h264 that widevine (AFAIK) requires, everything started working.
It's too bad Opera hasn't fix this or doesn't care...
I hope this helps..
Ezequiel PartidaHi. New user. This worked for me after trying absolutely everything. Realy, thank you. More specified, for not advanced users of linux like me:
- Downloaded, in the download folder, the latest libffmpeg.so from https://github.com/iteufel/nwjs-ffmpeg-prebuilt/releases/
- In the terminal, replaced the original Opera file in the sistem with the newer version I downloaded, did this:
- A) Went to the folder where I downloaded the file with the "cd" command (note that the folder is named Descargas, in spanish): cd Descargas
Then, moved the file (need the sudo command): sudo cp libffmpeg.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera
Now, can use Spotify perfectly, as well as Netflix.
A Former User last edited by
Can someone prove or confirm that spotify uses drm, so as to justify the use of libwidevine that this thread is about?
Else, if everything is fixed by installing the "other" libffmpeg, it is not a drm issue, but the wll known "poor codec support" one. -
A Former User last edited by
@Pibe Thank you for your tip.
Unfortunatly it doesn't work for me.
I have opera 63 on linux 64 bit.
I have done each step you recommand and after I have the error :
Code d'erreur : O7701-1003
Impossible to find WidevineCdm on the computer.
I have chrome on the same computer and it works fine. -
gregurbi last edited by
@pm38 said in Widevine and Opera:
@Pibe Thank you for your tip.
Unfortunatly it doesn't work for me.
I have opera 63 on linux 64 bit.
I have done each step you recommand and after I have the error :
Code d'erreur : O7701-1003
Impossible to find WidevineCdm on the computer.
I have chrome on the same computer and it works fine.It doesn't work for me too.
zekemx last edited by
@jimunderscorep Hi,.... Opera did not work with spotify but once I replaced libffmpeg.so from https://github.com/iteufel/nwjs-ffmpeg-prebuilt/releases/ spotify started working great.