Opera mini eating data
A Former User last edited by
I have been using Opers mini for a while now, but it has gotten out if control!! Ads are not blocked at all, data is barely saved.. And now, my data usage is like 1 GB per day, it seems. I usually use 7 GB per month and I don't do anything more than I use to. A month ago, Opera mini started eating my gigabytes! Please fix the bugs!!
p.s., images are set to low quality, adblocker is on, data saver on.. The last 2 weeks it saved 50 Mb. It usually saves way more than that..
A Former User last edited by
@leocg I usually use Automatic or High, but yesterday I actually tried with Extreme. Webpages barely load, but no ads and it saves data. I was aware of that in extreme mode nothing really works, that's why I never use it. In high and automatic, ads were blocked and data was saved previously, but not any longer. Today I used 500 MB without much time online. I don't watch videos.. I turned off backround data.
A Former User last edited by
I have a Nokia 8 now, previously had a Samsung Galaxy S5. I turned off a phone feature, namely the phone's own Data Saver. Now, Extreme mode saves more data, but Automatic and High still do nothing. No data saved and no ads blocked. Any more bright ideas?