Add-on registry Weird !!!
stop--it last edited by
I still have the sames keys who are created every-time, EVEN if i remove Opera and reinstall, those keys reappear !!!
I don't think Opera is safe..... seriously a browser who change and add windows registry keys....anything can happens !!!! -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@stop-it said in Add-on registry Weird !!!:
EVEN if i remove Opera and reinstall, those keys reappear
They're probably important for some function of Opera. I wouldn't assume they're malicious.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Ah, I see them for Vivaldi and Chrome etc. too. I guess I/we can look up PreferenceMACs on google to see what they're for.
stop--it last edited by stop--it
in chrome i can LOCK my add-on with a reg file, then my add-on can't be uninstallied / removed by regular users.
it has to be feasible too for opera i'm sure i can add a registry value !
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@stop-it Are you saying that's what you discovered the reg keys are for?
stop--it last edited by stop--it
No, i'm trying to add a function to my add-on, who install a registry key preventing the user to remove/uninstall my add-on it's what i did for my chrome extension and it works perfectly, a regular user never goes and know what is the windows registry is....
so when i was doing my tests i saw all those keys recreated every time i load opera, if i delete those keys, opera recreate them at start. !BUT what i found no help or templates is HOW to do that for Opera !!!
I just want to create my registry keys and when i start Opera i need to see my add-on be installed ! -
stop--it last edited by stop--it
What i did for my chrome extension is, this i created an external little app EXE (windows), when i launch my app on my desktop the app write reg keys.
when my app install those keys and when i launch chrome, my add-on is installed,
i would like to achieve the same on Opera.It is possible ?? because Opera is based on Chromium !