After full screen, the tabs lowering
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@leocg said in After full screen, the tabs lowering:
The problem also happens with default settings?
I reset "my data and Opera settings" via the menu command "Update & Recovery":
Yes, the issue also occurs with default settings.
I forgot to mention that I installed Opera in portable mode but I think that doesn't matter.
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There is a setting to remove the space above tabs in a maximized window - which is obviously already enabled on your system, as your window is maximized.
Yes, it is, and "Disable tab bar's top spacing when browser window is maximized" seems to be Opera's default setting.
So the actual issue is that maximized windows ignore this setting when returning from full screen mode.
Good analysis.
In fact, that seems to be the reason. Thank you, @sgunhouse.
panosv last edited by
@panosv said in After full screen, the tabs lowering:
@sgunhouse Where is the setting?
Update, i know where is it, it's greek, and i didn't know the way you wrote it in english. So, there is no other way to remove the space?
A Former User last edited by A Former User
So, there is no other way to remove the space?
It is a software bug that needs to be fixed by the developers.
In the meantime you can do what I wrote above: Opening a new tab will correct the position of the lowered tab.
Russian translation:
Это ошибка программного обеспечения, которая должна быть исправлена разработчиками.
Тем временем вы можете делать то, что я написал выше: открытие новой вкладки позволит скорректировать положение нижней вкладки.
panosv last edited by
In the meantime you can do what I wrote above: Opening a new tab will correct the position of the lowered tab.
Ok, but there is quicker way, just click on space above the tab. (for me it works at least)
panosv last edited by
@panosv said in After full screen, the tabs lowering:
In the meantime you can do what I wrote above: Opening a new tab will correct the position of the lowered tab.
Ok, but there is quicker way, just click on space above the tab. (for me it works at least)
Updating, sorry, not on the space above the tab, but clicking on any tab to remove the space above the tabs.
panosv last edited by
UPDATE: I noticed (ι didn't expect it), that if i enable the "dark theme" and restart the Opera, the event of lowering tab, disappearing. I don't know why.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@panosv said in After full screen, the tabs lowering:
UPDATE: I noticed (ι didn't expect it), that if i enable the "dark theme" and restart the Opera, the event of lowering tab, disappearing. I don't know why.
I'm on Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit SP1, and Opera 56.0.3051.99, and I have been plagued by this misbehavior (tabbar lowered after returning from fullscreen) since a few weeks back. I tested your tip on changing to dark theme and restarting. I did, and went fullscreen, and after returning I saw the tabbar NOT lowered. Disabled dark theme, and the tabbar is still behaving correctly.
Of course, I knew how to correct the bar placement (by clicking a tab, or adding new tab), but it was driving me mad.
panosv last edited by
@eternal1 The problem shows up again even with dark theme?
You have relatively new graphics card, i mean, your card is on the list with these that are keep updating? Or haven't anymore? -
A Former User last edited by
@panosv said in After full screen, the tabs lowering:
@eternal1 The problem shows up again even with dark theme?
You have relatively new graphics card, i mean, your card is on the list with these that are keep updating? Or haven't anymore?Well, I don't continously use dark theme because contrast between the pages and the super dark chrome of the browser is very irritating to me. I cannot stand it. Have you been using the dark theme ever since the "fix" ?
I have very old hardware (and GPU). I have AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+, and ATI Radeon HD-4550. So it's old, but is sufficient for my needs. And there are no new drivers for it because they went stable many years ago. Meaning, if I download drivers, which come in pack consisting of drivers for many many GPUs, the HD-4550 drivers contained will be several years old.
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Update: this session (i.e. today) I have not yet been plagued by that misbehavior. When it returns again (plz don't !) I'll notify.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
Browser has been running non-stop today without the bug showing up, but now as I was in deviantart viewing images, after returning from fullscreen I realized the menace is back.
panosv last edited by
after returning from fullscreen I realized the menace is back.
With dark theme? Because, as you said above, your hardware is old (as mine on 2nd pc), and maybe the Opera (and other Browsers) is match more with the new hardwares.
Maybe, i'm not sure -
A Former User last edited by
@panosv said in After full screen, the tabs lowering:
after returning from fullscreen I realized the menace is back.
With dark theme? Because, as you said above, your hardware is old (as mine on 2nd pc), and maybe the Opera (and other Browsers) is match more with the new hardwares.
Maybe, i'm not sureI really can't stand the dark theme (I hate contrast between brighness (pages) and darkness (browser GUI)) beyond a certain level, to keep using it to evaluate whether the bug occurs then as well or not. Nevertheless, I doubt very much that this is anything beyond just a simple Opera bug. I don't remember firefox having such bug, and neither did opera for me until some weeks ago, so it's not like I installed new drivers or even updated windows that triggered the bug either. Some code change in Opera definitely caused this.
panosv last edited by
so it's not like I installed new drivers or even updated windows that triggered the bug either.
Maybe, because your pc have old drivers for graphics card, i think that this may causes this behavior. On my old pc without any update of the graphics card for 1.5, 2 years, i have notice that some webpages, can't show with Opera or any browser with latest updates some graphics and i have download an old version of Opera (portable) exclusively for this case, and works fine.
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But no other single application (that has tabs/stuff on the titlebar) on my system suffers from this. Also, Opera, like any other software, has suffered from serious bugs throughout the years, and many bugs which have only affected SOME users and noth others. For example, one bug that affected me badly was when my speeddial was vertically a multple (2+) of the (browser's) display area, then whenever I expanded a folder and restored again, the view position was always reset to the middle of the speeddial document. If that would have affected all people we'd read about it. Yet I never read anyone else having that problem, but when I insisted this was happening to me (filed a bug), it didn't take too long for the devs to fix.
Back on topic, I'm not familiar with the code that deals with miximized/restored windows (or anything else for that matter) to claim anything. It may or may not contain bugs. I personally incline towards the former. And I'm sure that if they look into it they'll find the bug(s).
Also later today, and during a few days, I'll be using FF inclusively to evaluate whether this is an Opera bug, or a Win7-32bit-sp1 / driver bug. -
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It is night over here, and I have not noticed the bug at all the whole day. I wonder if the latest update fixed this.