Very long extension moderation process
A Former User last edited by
We have same issue with our addon WebRTC Leak Shield, which is a very basic extension. We have been waiting for over 1,5 month now. We got same extension enabled by Chrome Webstore AND Mozilla AMO in few minutes.
The thing is that this is not even our main extension. We have another VPN extension which has over 1,5 millions users on Chrome and Firefox, we would like to publish also for Opera. But seeing that such a basic extension needs a review time of over 1 month is insane. Our main extension depends on this extension and has more code. We are afraid that this will take over a year to get enabled. Can you guys please at least give a short feedback about the review time to be expected. -
A Former User last edited by
A method to get addons improved faster is to not include funky and shady code in them!
Other than that yes the proval rate needs to fasten up.
All best addons are created for FF - and things such is this slow down doesn't do much to support folks at FF Addons to make them OPR compatible.
A Former User last edited by
Same problem here. It's very disappointing to say the least, i am waiting about 2 months with absolutely no feedback whatsoever, Ridiculous. The same extension that i'm submitting is already on chrome and firefox stores. Frustrating.
nerradia last edited by
Uploaded an animated background on October 2017, and still not a single sign of life
rejzor last edited by
I've made a simple button that opens Opera Flags menu. Sent it on 14th February and still waiting for approval.
I'm not sure what exactly it's to check in it. It literally has like 5 lines of code and some icons lol...
A Former User last edited by
I was submit first version of my extension 5 month ago, and it's still "awaiting of moderation"! Without any feedback at all! If it has some issues, why you don't give any feedback? I am very dissapointed in your support service.
A Former User last edited by
It's really weird, submitted an extension on Feb 13, since no any reply...
rejzor last edited by
I sent mine 14 days ago. It's literally a simple button that even a hamster could verify to be clean. Still not verified and listed. What kind of joke is this? No wonder Opera just doesn't get more market share when extensions ecosystem which is one of the most important things is such a joke. get your act together Opera.
haterapps last edited by
It's more frustrating when you see popular extensions in the store that were updated very recently, few days ago. For a second it makes me think that they have higher priority, regardless of who was first in the approval queue.
A Former User last edited by
My extension was submitted on the Sept. 11th and is still not reviewed ? What happens with Opera ?
Are you kidding us ... ? -
A Former User last edited by
We have submitted our extension for moderation review on Feb 16, 2018 and is not yet reviewed. When can we expect it to be reviewed?
A Former User last edited by
You'd be better off submitting again.Opera goes through the code more promptly than for example Google. That's why there are viruses and malware on Chrome Web Store.
If only Firefox (webext) would work in Opera. Though some do but there's still tiny differences so can't be taken as face value like in CWS.
rejzor last edited by
So, I sent a message to "moderators" why it is taking so long and the reply was "Extension cannot consist of only button pointing to webpage or URL". Since when is access to Opera Flags SETTINGS a webpage? Is it my fault that Opera uses internal URL addresses to access own settings? What a joke. No wonder people just don't bother making extensions for Opera if this is the policy they are rocking...
I've created this extension because I access Opera Flags regularly and having direct access to it from extensions toolbar is super convenient. But nope, can't have that or share it with others who might happen to fiddle with it often as well and would find it convention. And being a settings page to which there is NO button in existence but you have to manually input the settings address, I frankly really don't see a reason why it shouldn't be allowed to the extensions page.
A Former User last edited by
We have submitted our extension in June 2017, still no reply. Then, we tried to contact opera via different sources - no sign of life anywhere. Feels like opera is a big black hole where everything gets lost. Any suggestions about what we can do to get their attention?
A Former User last edited by
We submitted our extension last year (June 2017) since then no reply. We really wanna know why they take decades to approve an extension. I really doubt, they can grow if they continue like that.
rejzor last edited by
Mine just got straight denied by the moderators because it was "too basic" being just a button to directly access Opera Flags menu with an excuse that you can do it as a bookmark. Well, I don't want it as a god damn bookmark and probably there are people with same idea as me.
Best way to get attention is to send a message through the panel to the "moderators". I heard nothing from anyone for ages until I posted there and then someone responded. They don't even seem to give it a "denied" verdict, they just sort of leave it there hanging without any status. That's just dumb policy that needs to be sorted out if Opera wants their extensions ecosystem to thrive. Because browser without good extensions ecosystem is no browser at all.
A Former User last edited by
Thanks rejzor. Yeah, we already have sent several messages to the moderators, without any success. We also have sent several emails to service contacts we could find online, no response there either. We caught someone on the phone in Poland (one of several phone numbers we tried), obviously they didn't know much and gave us another email address. That email was a dead end too.
Our extension is quite the opposite of yours, it's very long, so our guess is that no one can be bothered to look through it. However, we still think our extension worth being considered and in any case, it would be nice to receive an actual response. -
A Former User last edited by
We have two in queue for a while now...anyone find success in any methods to get the Moderators to review?
The extensions are not simple but not crazy complicated / long either.
dessant last edited by dessant
I have been waiting for my extensions to be reviewed for 6 months now, two months ago I've posted on this forum, but the thread just got locked and redirected here, without addressing my concerns. I have submitted clear instructions for building the extensions, yet there are no requests for more information or any replies from reviewers.
I can't begin to express how disheartening this experience is, and it makes me regret my decision to submit my work to Opera. I've spent considerable time debugging the extensions and making them compatible with this browser, then preparing the listings for submission. All to not even get a reply.
I'd advise developers to refrain from doing business with Opera when it comes to browser extensions.
rejzor last edited by
I don't get it why is usage of simple webpage access buttons prohibited. Sure, it's a very simple extension with very basic functionality. But has one key thing that no bookmark is able to do. I can make extension button to always open a new tab with webpage. So, no matter how many tabs I have open, it'll always open a new empty tab and open a designated webpage in there. This ensures I won't ever screw up content in my current tab (which can't be said for regular bookmarks) and it'll save me one extra click on the "New tab" button every time I want to open that. But they just stubbornly deny it because it's "just a link to webpage". Well, I disagree. Sometimes some sites don't really give you anything to work with like an API, but you want the icon up there because it's more convenient than bookmark. That's for example the case for Tutanota mail service I've just discovered. They don't provide any notifier, but I want it in the same spot as I used to have GMail notifier icon. In the extensions bar. And instead of conveniently having such button on Opera Extensions gallery I'll have to host the damn thing myself because Opera will just straight reject it (with silence and no reply ever).
Dumb policy that just steers away developers of any kind to even bother with Opera (which is a very damning thing because browser popularity and use depends on flexibility to user needs and extensions provide that). I'm just learning to code Opera extensions and making a simple button is as advanced as I can do now. But it serves a purpose and it works. Why shouldn't others be able to use it if they find it useful?