Not able to stream Amazon Prime - Widevine
adhill20152015 last edited by
Thank you for the suggestion. I already have Opera Turbo turned off. All the best. Andy
adhill20152015 last edited by
Could I ask, does anyone else successfully watch Amazon Prime through Opera? If so do you have any particular settings. I can watch Netflix absolutely great. Its strange. There seem to be quite a few people who have trouble with streaming. Any clues gratefully received, but no worries if you dont know. All the best.
A Former User last edited by
Wow. I was having the same problem with Netflix. Shutting off turbo actually worked. Unexpected surprise there. Thanks, forum.
A Former User last edited by
I can report the same problem on XP. On W7-64 Prime streams normally. On XP I get the same notice to enable wildvine even though it shows on plugins as enabled.
tekpete last edited by
I had the same problem when trying to play Amazon Prime video, ie: the error message about the "Widevine Content Decryption Module needs to be enabled" when it is in fact enabled. What is odd is I could play videos a couple of months ago.
I contacted Amazon Prime - this was a complete waste of time.
I was about to cancel my Amazon Prime subscription when I decided to reinstall Adobe Flashplayer (I unistalled it, downloaded it again then reinstalled it) I gave it a quick test by playing the trailer for "The Great Gatsby" it plays fine (it didn't before). The "new" Adobe Flashplayer version I downloaded seems to be exactly the same version as before.
The error message about ensuring the "Widevine Content Decryption Module is enabled" is incorrect; it should be reporting a problem with Adobe Flashplayer.
BTW: I have Opera Turbo enabled
I hope the others who had the problem with Amazon Video managed to sort it out.
pgphillips last edited by
Thanks, tekpete. I downloaded Flash for Opera and all is well. I sent an email to Amazon relating what the real problem is. Let's see if they respond.
cynthiajg last edited by
Less than a month ago, I gave Amazon feedback about my cruddy Amazon Prime video quality. Here's what I told them and what they communicated back. I didn't mention that I was streaming using Opera. Anyway, I took their advice and now I get a good picture in Chrome. Opera is my default browser, but I don't expect it to do all things at all times. Is there some extension I could include in Opera to make my Amazon videos play well? I think that I did try to figure it out, but I never did figure it out. So for now, it's Chrome when streaming Prime shows.
Original Message (to Amazon)
02/28/16 23:26:08
Your Name: C
Other info:null
Comments:Living in the country, using broadband with a downstream of only 1.5 Mbps, I just assumed that the abysmal video reception I get while streaming Amazon Prime movies and shows was the best I could expect streaming from anywhere.I was wrong. I get a pristine picture while streaming via Hulu. It blew me away, the difference in quality. I'll never think well of Amazon Prime Video until this is fixed. Please, please fix this.
Next I'm planning to try NetFlix. For me Amazon Prime Video is history, but I will keep checking back occasionally to see if this issue has been addressed.
Amazon's Response (to me one day later)
Hello C,
I'm sorry to hear about the trouble streaming Amazon Prime videos. I'll be glad to help you.
I've checked your account streaming history and researched on the same and I found that there is some issue with your browser and plug-in.
Amazon Video no longer streams using Flash player. As we continually seek to improve our service, this occasionally means we can no longer support certain platforms.
To watch Amazon Video on your computer, we recommend using our HTML5 video player because it's optimized to work with our service and includes access to features like Auto Play, and full 1080p High Definition playback.
Amazon Video is available on the following browsers that support our HTML5 video player:
-- Chrome (version M42 or newer)
-- Internet Explorer (version 11 or newer)
-- Microsoft Edge on Windows 10The player loads automatically--just open Amazon Video from one of these supported browsers and try watching your video again.
For Firefox and Safari, Amazon Video is available to watch using the Silverlight player plugin. To access Silverlight from Firefox or Safari, you may need to make sure that your Add-ons or Plugins preferences are set to "Ask to Activate" or "Always Activate" Silverlight. If needed, you can also reinstall Silverlight from Microsoft at:
If you are still having trouble streaming video, You can contact us by phone or chat by visiting our Contact Us page ( We're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I hope this helps! We look forward to seeing you again soon.
We'd appreciate your feedback. Please use the links below to tell us about your experience today.
Best regards,