I did search. I searched "opera 18" and got nada. Then searched "tabs and mousegestures" and got a whole lotta pages and then some. Nothing relating to my frustration up front.
AAAAND when I registered today to vent my frustration I couldn't access any forums. Unregistered every forum shows, but after log in only the right colum of forums shows (The one starting with "the lounge"). This happens on both opera and IE. The OP thread here happened to pop under the latest discussion or whatnot, and so I jumped at that one.
So I've tried my very best, well; as very best as I could muster at the time, not to be of any nuisance to you. And if I despite this happened to offend you I can only state that your response probably aggravate me no less..
But in the spirit of all that's pink and pretty: Thank you for your helpful response dearest Pesala. Without your insight I'd be truly stranded.
- Z