All this back and forth.. How hard would it be to just add a sort by date or give the simple option to add bookmarks to the top or the bottom. I code for a living and there is nothing difficult about this. I understand all this back and forth "I like this, or I don't agree so here's my comment", it can all be done and it's extremally simple in the world of coding.
Best posts made by Zerpher84
RE: bookmarks are added to the bottom of the listOpera for Windows
RE: bookmarks are added to the bottom of the listOpera for Windows
Using Opera GX was pretty fantastic as I just started using it around a month ago. The bookmark at the top was new for me and I really enjoyed it. Although sorting my date would be fantastic as well. Now neither are happening which is a bummer, and I can't find any extension that helps with that. I sure hope they resolve this.
Latest posts made by Zerpher84
RE: Opera GX Twitch videos freeze randomly but audio keeps playingOpera GX
Just curious if you've found any fixes for this? Exact same thing happens for me.
RE: bookmarks are added to the bottom of the listOpera for Windows
All this back and forth.. How hard would it be to just add a sort by date or give the simple option to add bookmarks to the top or the bottom. I code for a living and there is nothing difficult about this. I understand all this back and forth "I like this, or I don't agree so here's my comment", it can all be done and it's extremally simple in the world of coding.
RE: bookmarks are added to the bottom of the listOpera for Windows
Using Opera GX was pretty fantastic as I just started using it around a month ago. The bookmark at the top was new for me and I really enjoyed it. Although sorting my date would be fantastic as well. Now neither are happening which is a bummer, and I can't find any extension that helps with that. I sure hope they resolve this.