@octex4 said in Why some websites not opening?:

(for not create new topic) For me - not exactly not opening - but i observed about couple days (i guess after recently Opera update) that some sites become opening really long time. But strangeness in that this behavior can catch only if you relatively long time not visited such site, whereas in the same Opera session (if you finally open this site) - further it will opens \ refreshing normally speed.
And, maybe this relate only to links from user "start page" main buckmarks icons, i'm not sure (did not tested enough).

Ofcourse initially i thought this is just something with my internet, since very similar behavior to some classic inet problems, but when it repeat couple days i start to doubts. Then i tried open it in other browser (Edge) - and voila - it opened immediately.

Then i did try to clear browsing data - it not helps. (But i did not chek with delete cookies frankly, just did not want to re-enter in bunch acc's).
And again - it's just for some sites. For another some sites opening works with usual speed. But i would be not reported if it would the same in other browser. And if it would be just a bit longer than usual, but it occurs for about 1 minute in described problematic case, that abnormally long.

Considering that sites still opening in the end, this is not critical, but just FYI.
If I dig up some other pattern, i'll share.

Wanted to say - sorry false call, it seems was my local problem nonetheless. (now works ok)