Sorry, I was on a short holiday.
I always use the protocol - it's one of the things I had to tweak about opera. But as I said: it is known that Chromium blocks ports. Here's the list, straight from the source code (and with line numbers):
namespace {
// The general list of blocked ports. Will be blocked unless a specific
// protocol overrides it. (Ex: ftp can use ports 20 and 21)
static const int kRestrictedPorts[] = {
1, // tcpmux
7, // echo
9, // discard
11, // systat
13, // daytime
15, // netstat
17, // qotd
19, // chargen
20, // ftp data
21, // ftp access
22, // ssh
23, // telnet
25, // smtp
37, // time
42, // name
43, // nicname
53, // domain
77, // priv-rjs
79, // finger
87, // ttylink
95, // supdup
101, // hostriame
102, // iso-tsap
103, // gppitnp
104, // acr-nema
109, // pop2
110, // pop3
111, // sunrpc
113, // auth
115, // sftp
117, // uucp-path
119, // nntp
123, // NTP
135, // loc-srv /epmap
139, // netbios
143, // imap2
179, // BGP
389, // ldap
465, // smtp+ssl
512, // print / exec
513, // login
514, // shell
515, // printer
526, // tempo
530, // courier
531, // chat
532, // netnews
540, // uucp
556, // remotefs
563, // nntp+ssl
587, // stmp?
601, // ??
636, // ldap+ssl
993, // ldap+ssl
995, // pop3+ssl
2049, // nfs
3659, // apple-sasl / PasswordServer
4045, // lockd
6000, // X11
6665, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition]
6666, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition]
6667, // Standard IRC [Apple addition]
6668, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition]
6669, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition]
0xFFFF, // Used to block all invalid port numbers (see
// third_party/WebKit/Source/platform/weborigin/KURL.cpp,
// KURL::port())
My astonishment is both at the fact that no one seems to care about this - if IE would do this, it'd be a a front-page scandal on every tech site - and at the apparent lack of solution either.
From what I found on the internet, there used to be a setting called 'permitted ports'in earlier builds', but it seems to have disappeared. Apparently I'll have to get the source somewhere (if possible), edit - rather: clear- the list and compile my own version. Which obviously isn't very user-friendly.