@leocg Opera One 115.
I myself use sel-none to prevent copying, but links on nature.com should work, and in other browsers I could copy text from the pages that Opera could not.
Posts made by WlodekDuch
RE: Links and text cannot be copied on some pagesGeneral
Links and text cannot be copied on some pagesGeneral
On https://www.nature.com, the download link and all other links are nonresponsive, and text cannot be copied. No problem with other browsers on the sam page. I was trying to find what option does that but without success. This is forcing me to use other browsers quite often.
- Opera for Windows
[Solved]operaUserStyle added to saved htmlOpera for Windows
When I save (Ctrl+S) simple HTML file I get a header of 20 KB, full of junk, including some porn. It starts like that
<style type="text/css" id="operaUserStyle"></style><style type="text/css">:root zeus-ad, :root topadblock, :root span[id^="ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-"], :root guj-ad, :root gpt-ad, :root div[jsdata*="CarouselPLA-"][data-id^="CarouselPLA-"], :root div[id^="zergnet-widget"], :root div[id^="yandex_ad"], :root div[id^="vuukle-ad-"], :root div[id^="sticky_ad_"], :root div[id^="rc-widget-"],
and has such references inside:
a[href^="https://www.mypornstarcams.com/landing/click/"], :root a[href^="https://financeads.net/tc.php?"], :root a[href^="https://www.mrskin.com/tour"], :root a[href^="https://www.kingsoffetish.com/tour?partner_id="], :root
20 KB ... That does not happen when I open files from my disk. I have tested that on different sites and browsers, and other browsers do not add that much junk. I am sure that on my personal computer such sites were never visited. What is going on?