@bob-tusmore live long and prosper
Best posts made by washcloud
Latest posts made by washcloud
- Opera add-ons
RE: SimpleFillOpera add-ons
@bob-tusmore Mid-winter here, kinda chilly (as opposed to your chili BBQ), rainy (since autumn was completely rainless), humidity on full throttle due to living nearby the coast, preventing me from travelling any further than the nearby town because of a bunch of spinal hernias (and a couple inguinal) testing my patience, which I inherited lately from my being too considerate about the dos and don'ts of middle age - other than that, all quiet on our Western front (supposing Aussie is set on the Eastern).
How did Europe work out for you? - Opera add-ons
RE: SimpleFillOpera add-ons
@lolkjkghcgnfm As far as I go, I do not,,,,but what exactly do you mean by "calendar,,,autofill"....? Can you describe how would this work?
RE: History not savingOpera GX
@trajic ...quick reply (and thanks), but it seems that I am the,,,"trajic" one: I had installed (some weeks ago) an app that erases history/does not allow any new entries on one click and forgot about it. Seems that I accidentally clicked on it's "button" and did not notice (I didn't even remember I had something like that there). Fortunately I saw some post while googling for a solution to my issue, that proposed disabling all extensions, and when I went to the extensions page I saw it there being enabled and obviously preventing Opera from recording history entries....
Feeling like an a$$ I immediately came back here to delete my post, and saw your quick answer, so in second thought, I'll leave it there in case some other a$$ suffers from something similar and my experience will at least help him.... -
RE: History not savingOpera GX
@trajic 105.0.4970.29
same $hit here...
It started suddenly while browsing (I don't think it was after some update) it started with the "go back (to the previous page)" arrow not working anymore (as if there haven't been any previous pages - it's not in bold). Searched all settings, found nothing relevent, cleared history, cookies, etc, rebooted,, with no result. When I click on history, everything is blank there now, even though I opened several pages from speed dial....
I even tried to update to the most latest versionl....(it did update, yet to no avail) -
RE: SimpleFillOpera add-ons
@bob-tusmore - Hah, well chances were that we weren't exactly neighbors anyway. Attica Greece here and if you ever happen to drop by, give notice and drinks will be on me
RE: SimpleFillOpera add-ons
@bob-tusmore ...we two should get together and have a couple of beers or something over our shared,,,"operatic adventures"
RE: SimpleFillOpera add-ons
@bob-tusmore ...new update for Opera and suddenly SF's (the Chrome version) dropdown list disappeared (when right-clicking some searchbox, trying to auto-fill with pre-saved info in Simple Fill, there no longer exists an "arrow" pointing to the pre-saved info I talked about). The (I repeat: Chrome's) extension hasn't been crashing (like Opera's version keeps doing when installed) - it simply "doesn't work" (does not do what it's supposed to be doing, for that matter). Thank heavens, it simply lost "all the data input in the extension's database", but going to the extension's options (through Opera's "extensions" list) and importing a (thoughtfully pre-saved) .json file with all my latest updates of data in it, made Simple Fill (Chrome version) functional again.
I do not know home much sense I made with the above (I probably jumbled various tech terms), because I'm under heavy medication for sciatica pain right now, but I hope everyone that gets here due to a dysfunctional SF extension,,,gets the idea and manages to make it work again. - Opera add-ons