Yes, it's very important!
There are search engines forbidden by the law in my country, so it's very displeasant that I can't get rid of them.
Do more on the web, with a fast and secure browser!
Download Opera browser with:
Yes, it's very important!
There are search engines forbidden by the law in my country, so it's very displeasant that I can't get rid of them.
But I cannot access topmost items in this rightside menu...
due to downfalling message box with "Download Opera GX advertisement"...
And, of course, could I disable this ::-webkit-scrollbar{display:none}
misbehavior for all pages, or main pages?
Because when pages do their misbehavior it's kind of... uncomfortable!
inb4: I use "professional facebook mouse", i.e. scroll is ripped off the device.
Good day, dear developers!
Seems like this version of Opera has the same terrible problem main Opera had.
It's about tabs pull-down menu.
Dangerous buttons like "Close other tabs" etc. should not be positioned near "Close tab" button or any other frequently used button.
It's a missing click problem. Which happens. Once in a year, and user quit using this browser as a totally unprofessional software. Because our open pages is what's important for us.
Everyone knows, occasional closing of 500+ tabs in browser is a total catastrophe, disaster. And of course you know, stupid suggestions people say on forums like "Use reopen last tab" don't work on 100+ closed tabs. Because system don't remember so many tabs.
This happens since some people use hunderds of open tabs. Using browser like a notepad.
And of course it happens that most important tabs are the oldest ones.
Because the process of "cleaning opened tabs" consists of steps like (finding if the page is still important and closing it otherwise). So the older the page, the more times it avoided cleaning and the harder is finding it in history etc. Unfortunately.
One of probable solutions may be moving these dangerous buttons to some sub-menu, just to avoid random clicking.
Buttons that operate with many tabs, like "Close other tabs", "Close tabs on the left", "Close random number of random tabs so that I wouldn't know" should have some protection against being activated occasionally.
Again, I would describe the scenario.
Personally I had such catastrophe 3-4 times. And it was hell.
Thank you for understanding!