@trexfrex I've caught it now. I beg your pardon. I installed Microsoft Edge for Linux recently (abhorrently laden with tons of adds). I've seen Opera Neon too. So it enlightened me.
Those Collections can be found in Firefox with Pocket, in Yandex Browser with Collections and in Vivaldi with its Notes.
It's hard to say whether, or it'd be better to say when, the Opera Neon's Omnibox will be implemented in the whole shebang of Opera browsers.
I'm not fond ot such solutions. I do better with my Opera Dev as it is at present. There're a lot of issues with Opera (Dev) which should be first done than implementing new and latest feature because Microsoft Edge has it now.
All browsers I mentioned above have different targets. No argue that Opera Neon's Omnibox or Collections will find its place in Opera. Edge type Collections corresponds with "Social Opera", as I named it, enormously. As for now I'm using Yandex Collections for testing. Microsoft Edge had to be deleted. Even with Collections it is fara, far behind Opera in efficiency and usefulness.
Few examples to feast readers' eyes. 🙂
Opera Neon Omnibox
Opera Neon Omnibox
Yandex Collections. BTW it's new option in Yandex services scope so it's not yet translated fully into English.
Opera Snapshot_2020-11-03_164920_yandex.com.png