I'm a user too. I think it's time to force Opera to bring back the option to remove the news feed (speed dial control). So put out bad reviews anywhere you can - start at the App Store, then go to anyplace where there are reviews and put in your negative comment about Opera. If Opera wants to keep news feeds - it MUST give us the option to turn it off, and I suggest that Opera give us the option to CUSTOMIZE news feed to OUR OWN TASTE should we wish to keep it on. And don't have it as a 'news feed' but as a App Feed. Make it useful. News feeds are NOT useful for almost everyone, because we have no control over it...it's like the old days of having only 1 TV channel (nowadays that would not fly...so why force a one channel to us now?).
Bring Back Democracy of Choice to Opera! Bring back Speed Dial. Bring us Customized News/App Feed where we can make the browser WORK FOR US.