Opera One Feedback
Annoying Stuff
- sharpening is useless (what is the point of this, maybe AI upscale instead?)
- closing group of tabs doesn't exist
- window top padding making it hard to switch tabs with mouse everytime.
- the ability to add custom prompt for AI highlight context menu for selected text instead of showing the default few.
- tab navigation gives a long preview bar without left and right margin making it hard to see, a little bit of margin would be nice.
- unable to customize advance tabs navigation keybinds
Feature request
- maximize context pane similar to how Arc browser is handling this, more screen space in the webpage (not in full screen mode, think of linux window manager, zero crap on the side and the top), the ability to hide the entire top section (search bar, tabs, everything)
- Auto load sidebar extensions on start up (e.g. whatsapp should work on startup without me clicking into it and having it to load all the time, music player should start playing immediately, etc.)
- tabs search fuzzy search (ctrl + space)
- tab group navigation, instead of tab navigation
- Take a look at what Arc browser is doing, they are doing great stuff.
Generally, 7 out of 10 browser in terms of features, usability, ease of transitioning from chrome, but still very unpolished, and not really innovative enough, we need more Arc browser features (9 out of 10 browser in my opinion, and chrome 5 out of 10) you guys are doing great but we want something greater.