Собственно, сабж.
Есть рабочий компьютер, есть домашний. Пользуюсь обоими только я. Сейчас получается какой-то немного геморой. Хотелось бы, чтобы при закрытии браузера он синхронизировал сеанс, а при старте подтягивал из интернета.
Возможно такое?
Posts made by stalkerjs
Работать в одном сеансе с двух разных компьютеров по очередиРусский
RE: Opera start working strangeOpera for Windows
New information: looks like all problems becose addon "frigate for opera". I tryed install it yestarday, and saw same problems like before. Delite it - all ok.
RE: Opera start working strangeOpera for Windows
Well... looks like I fix it. I hope, it's not for few hours.
All works fine after I delete my profile folder. - AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable
I made a backup. It save me from loosing my bookmarks, session and express-panel.
Opera, you shuld kill all your department who make synchronize service, fired them and send to Zimbabve. It's a complite mess and disaster. -
Opera start working strangeOpera for Windows
I use Opera for a long time. But only now have a big problem.
For last 2-3 days browser work strange. I can't see any youtube or other site video. Facebook site doesn't load, some other sites (aliexpress for exmp.) too. I can't download and see puctures in watsup viget.
In other brouser: firefox, edge all this sites work fine.
I reset browser from upgrade and restore meny. It help for a few minuts or for first brouser restart (I'm not shure).
I have to activ addons.
https://yadi.sk/d/KdGuPJ1U3nVlQA - I record 3 video about this.Can someone help fix this problem?