Opera moderation is really slow. You can install version 1.0.7 from the Chrome store https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/twitter-video-downloader/nbkknbagklenkcienihfapbfpjemnfoi/related?authuser=1
It's compatible with Opera browser
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Opera moderation is really slow. You can install version 1.0.7 from the Chrome store https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/twitter-video-downloader/nbkknbagklenkcienihfapbfpjemnfoi/related?authuser=1
It's compatible with Opera browser
@kucukcagatay witter changed something on their website. This caused the error. Please update to the newest version (1.0.7) . Just uploaded it. Seems to be working
@masser112 Twitter changed something on their website. This caused the error. Please update to the newest version (1.0.7) . Just uploaded it. Seems to be working
@aamaksod Just updated to the latest version 68.0.3618.56 and reinstalled extension. Works for me.
I need more details to understand what is wrong.
Can you send a screenshots ?
Just updated my Opera to 68.0.3618.56 and reinstalled extension. everything works.
Did you try to reinstall?
Can you send a screenshot ?