Since my last posting on April 24 a fair bit seems to have happened,I was going through the Opera store the other day and found that there were a number of new apps available one of which was the URL Loader.I was excited and downloaded and installed it but when I picked up the alpha-numeric TCL TV remote and attempted to key in a URL nothing happened.I then emailed an address given on the Opera website only to receive a response telling me that this email address is not used.You have to ask what on earth is going on,both Opera and TCL are very sparse with any information.
After giving it some thought I will plug in a USB keyboard on the TV and see if I can enter some text into the URL and see if that works,here's hoping.
How about some of you folks having a go at these problems so that we can all help each other and also how about we really drive both Opera and TCL with a stick up their behinds to give service when we need it,they take our money quick enough but then do not give us the backup which we deserve and have paid for.
Posts made by smallhausen
RE: Why I can't use netflix over opera?Opera TV Store
RE: Why I can't use netflix over opera?Opera TV Store
Dear kpotocki,
Could you please be a little bit more forthcoming and let us the paying customers know the time scale of when we can expect to have Netflix,Plex and Kodi available in the Opera TV store.Also I would like to see some Australian content available please.
I have just paid a lot of money for a new TCL Smart TV only to find that I cannot use it in the manner which I envisaged straight out of the box,as a result I am not entirely happy.