@burnout426 Thank you for your recent suggestion but will not follow. Until Opera Browser appears in a normal way a new version, I stay with the Opera 63 so I can live and tolerate until then. Thanks again for your effort.

Best posts made by sigsauer
RE: New Opera 64.0.3417.54 problem with F-secure Browsing protection at google.com searchOpera for Windows
RE: New Opera 64.0.3417.54 problem with F-secure Browsing protection at google.com searchOpera for Windows
@burnout426 From my point of view, I consider this problem as settled. Thank you for everything.
RE: After the current version update, several Opera entries in the program directoryOpera for Windows
@burnout426 Thank you for your nice reply. Although this advice is not intended for the cause of the problem but for the elimination of the error afterwards. Next time I have the same problem, I will follow your advice and carry out your instructions. The problem, however, lies without a doubt on the side of the Opera browser! I hope in the future this inconvenience will not happen again and this bug will be fixed by Opera!
Latest posts made by sigsauer
RE: After the current version update, several Opera entries in the program directoryOpera for Windows
@burnout426 Thank you for your nice reply. Although this advice is not intended for the cause of the problem but for the elimination of the error afterwards. Next time I have the same problem, I will follow your advice and carry out your instructions. The problem, however, lies without a doubt on the side of the Opera browser! I hope in the future this inconvenience will not happen again and this bug will be fixed by Opera!
Denetim-Masası-Programlar klasöründe Opera birden fazla kayıt oluşturuyorTürkçe
Tahminen 3-4 aydır özellikle opera versiyonunun ''opera hesabı''nın eklendiği atıyorum 90'lı seriden itibaren, Windows-tüm kurulu Programların yer aldığı ''Denetim Masası-Programlar'' da Opera hem en son sürümü hem de önceki 3 veya 4 tane daha eski versiyonlarda yine Opera olarak kayıtda gözüküyor. Bunlar her yeni sürüm güncellemesinde oluşuyor. En yenisini 96.0.4693.20 bırakıp diğer eski sürümleri silmeye çalıştığımda silinmiyor! Son sürümü silince diğer eski sürümlerde silinebilir oluyor bu defa da son sürümde kayıtlı parolalar kayıtlı speed-dial vs tüm verilerim kayboluyor epey zahmetli bir sorun yaşıyorum.. Opera 64 bit kullanıyorum Windows 11 64 bit. Bundan bağımsız bir başka PC'de yine aynı sorunu tespit ettim yani sorun benim PC'de değil. Opera 92 den 93 e 94 e ara versiyonlarda her güncellemede programlarda niye birden fazla kayıt oluşturuyor bu sorunu bir tek ben mi yaşıyorum? Bu kabul edilemez duruma (bug) bir çözüm var mı? Çözüm önerileri için şimdiden teşekkür ederim. 2007'den beri düzenli Opera kullanıyorum böyle bir sorunla ilk defa karşılaşıyorum!
After the current version update, several Opera entries in the program directoryOpera for Windows
For some time now I have noticed that after the update, Opera was entered in the windows program several times instead of once as usual. Namely, after each recent version number update, Opera appears once in the program directory. Manuel I tried leaving the current version there and deleting the old versions and the entries, unfortunately the most recent ones are deleted but the old versions remain stubbornly there. Only when I delete the current versions can I delete the old versions, which means that I already lose all my data etc. This problem started from about version 93 or 94. I found two PC's both had the same problem so the problem is with Opera Browser. I would like to ask you to fix this annoying problem immediately and thank you in advance. I've been using Opera browser since 2007 and never experienced such a problem!
RE: New Opera 64.0.3417.54 problem with F-secure Browsing protection at google.com searchOpera for Windows
@leocg After my several attempts, I finally discovered that this issue causes speed-dial, even if I open a new tab myself and even type the text so google.search works with the above extensions without any problems, but probably when I google. search via speed-dial open does not work with extensions. This all proves Opera 64 has a serious problem speed-dial Unfortunately, speed dial for whatever reason has been destabilized and causes these unpleasant problems! I hope the tech. Attention specialists and responsible people of Opera and speed-dial in order.
RE: New Opera 64.0.3417.54 problem with F-secure Browsing protection at google.com searchOpera for Windows
@burnout426 From my point of view, I consider this problem as settled. Thank you for everything.
RE: New Opera 64.0.3417.54 problem with F-secure Browsing protection at google.com searchOpera for Windows
@burnout426 There are 5 PCs and Notebooks in the house, all of which have F-Secure Safe installed and Browsing Protection by F-secure plug-in installed and all versions of Opera are running smoothly except for 64! If the installation is still in progress, google.com search and not others, for example, try google.de or google.com.uk suddenly will be working.
To summarize, I have tried all of the other versions of Opera 64 related to this technical problem one by one and there is no problem.
RE: New Opera 64.0.3417.54 problem with F-secure Browsing protection at google.com searchOpera for Windows
@burnout426 Thank you for your recent suggestion but will not follow. Until Opera Browser appears in a normal way a new version, I stay with the Opera 63 so I can live and tolerate until then. Thanks again for your effort.
RE: New Opera 64.0.3417.54 problem with F-secure Browsing protection at google.com searchOpera for Windows
@burnout426 Why didn't you try it on other old opera versions? Read option 4) you didn't click there!
Install Chrome Extensions manual for Opera
https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/install-chrome-extensions/ -
Install Browsing Protection by F-Secure
in https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/browsing-protection-by-f/jmjjnhpacphpjmnnlnccpfmhkcloaa -
F-Secure safe trial install
Notice Here!
- Opera: // Open extensions.
Browsing Protection by F-Secure
Click '' Allow access to search page results ''.
google.com search page Opera 63 and older versions you'll see that works smoothly! As I mentioned, opera 64 also only works when you first google search, which is strange when a new tab opens google search does not work!?!
RE: New Opera 64.0.3417.54 problem with F-secure Browsing protection at google.com searchOpera for Windows
@burnout426 Thank you very much for all your effort and commitment. On Opera 63 works fine in my case. As already denied the old versions of Opera. I have not experienced any problems. Incidentally, even with Opera 64 it works but as already explained google search only once on first opened tabs I can not understand but on a new tabs again google search this time does not work anymore.
Regrettably, this technical problematic is undoubtedly the latest version of the opera 64, as you have already tried! I just do not know what was changed in the Opera 64 as changelog, which has caused this problem. Apparently there is a serious compability problem between Opera 64 and F-Secure Browsing Protection. I hope on the next Opera 64 buildingXYz this problem will be overcome. I wish you all the best.PS: I wrote this text in german using the google translate.
RE: New Opera 64.0.3417.54 problem with F-secure Browsing protection at google.com searchOpera for Windows
@burnout426 Yes, this extension is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/browsing-protection-by-f/jmjjnhpacphpjmnnlnccpfmhkcloaade. I have installed these manually. Mind you, always do it and work well! For 3 years with this method with any version of the opera used so far in concrete terms until the latest Opera 64 experienced no problems! On my PC F-Secure Safe is installed. I have anxiously installed the above extension of Chrome store as before and allowed!
I give a search term on google.com then it starts this o.g. extension does its job. As I said on the homepage of bowser is the address google.com was specified. Funny way it works without problems! however, if I open a new google.com search eg through speed-dial then this will not work anymore! If I'm doing everything wrong why all first open google.com search but not working on a new tabs anymore! problematic began with the latest version of the Opera. I have a vorversion specifically said opera 63 installed everything works fine.