Actually I edited the paths replacing it with X_000 so my actual paths were not being posted publicly.
I ended up going into the Bookmarks folder where I found the "Other Speed Dials" that are synced from my other computer and Iphone and was able to re-import the previous days speed dials.
I also went clicked on the Sync Icon and noticed there was a re-sync option available, so I did a re-sync, then logged into my Opera account and looked around. I see that the speed dials from all three devices are appearing in the sync account. As long as they remain there, I should be OK.
This is a really horrible Opera Bug - It would of been mission critical for my business if I hadn't had a Sync set set-up, and if nothing else a entire waste of time to redo all the speed dials. I actually moved to Opera to save time and speed thing up's, this just slowed things down.
Thanks for the help, a quick Internet shows that the Speed Dial issue is fairly common. Hope this gets fixed.