My apologies for a low-knowledge-level question ... I was an Opera 12 user for a long time, but not a power user or a "techie" by any stretch, and am trying to hit the ground running with the latest version of Opera on a new system set up over the weekend after my old computer died.
I have a satellite ISP with strict bandwidth caps, and I seem to remember that one of the things I had to do to a year or two ago to manage bandwidth usage with Opera 12 was specify that it not constantly refresh pages in the speed dial -- I can't remember if this was done just by specifying how often Opera checked if cached pages had been updated on the server (Settings>Preferences>History) or if setting "redraw" times also had something to do with managing bandwidth hits (Settings>Preferences>Browsing>Loading).
Anyway, I don't see an obvious place to set either of these things in the new Opera. So the question is ... do they exist somewhere where I can't see them?
Is there anything else I should be doing to manage bandwidth usage by this new version of Opera? I'm running in "Offroad mode" ... have enabled plug-ins only on demand ... may do some image management when I have time ... and have disabled auto updates.
But I have been an extensive user of Speed Dial in Opera 12, and I'm concerned that without the ability to prevent Opera from constantly checking speed-dialed sites to refresh pages, if I behave the same way with this new version, I might inadvertently run up data usage. Am I worrying unnecessarily? Are there disadvantages to running in Offroad Mode in a desktop environment?
Thanks for any and all advice ...