I'm trying to make the switch from Chrome to Opera on my ASUS Zenbook. Everything works fine so far, but the gestures from the ASUS Smart Gesture app don't work. On Chrome, Firefox and Edge they work.
So I checked this config file of the app, where it seems they configure special behavior for certain apps.
C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Smart Gesture\AsTPCenter\TPProfile_Win10.xml
For chrome.exe there is:
<ap name="chrome.exe" class_name="Chrome_WidgetWin_0" target_name="Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND" title_name="" target_type="0" support="33413" pan_filter_x="5" pan_filter_y="5" zoom_filter="1" pan_type="15" es_filter="5" es_type="15" zoom_type="0" rotate_type="0" swipe_type="3"/>
<ap name="chrome.exe" class_name="Chrome_WidgetWin_1" target_name="Chrome_WidgetWin_1" title_name="" target_type="0" support="33413" pan_filter_x="5" pan_filter_y="5" zoom_filter="1" pan_type="15" es_filter="5" es_type="15" zoom_type="0" rotate_type="0" swipe_type="3"/>
<ap name="chrome.exe" class_name="Chrome_WidgetWin_1" target_name="Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND" title_name="" target_type="0" support="33413" pan_filter_x="5" pan_filter_y="5" zoom_filter="1" pan_type="15" es_filter="5" es_type="15" zoom_type="0" rotate_type="0" swipe_type="3"/>
So my guess would be, that if I know the values for the class_name and target_name attributes it may be working.
Could you help me figuring these out?