There is not that option for pictures slides with annotations of the news app in reading lists for Window 8.1
Is it possible to save it to noteone using share icon? :o
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There is not that option for pictures slides with annotations of the news app in reading lists for Window 8.1
Is it possible to save it to noteone using share icon? :o
That is not currently support in the Chromium versions of Opera. Opera 12 was probably the last one to have it.
Do you think Opera will switch back to the old Opera 12 engines and revamp it? Do you think it is good idea to continue using the old unsupported Opera 12? Do you know which version has the least bugs/issues? I reverted back around a year ago as the current one of the time did not display bmks properly. Thanks for response.
it seems all the newer version of Opera and other common browsers no longer display the created dates and extra descriptions and notes. Is there a way to revert this or make changes in preferences? Also does anyone knows how to restore the original dates when the bookmarks were created?
The hard part for a human is converting the dates you see into standard internet time format (seconds since 1/1/1970), though there is probably a utility program on a website somewhere that can do it for free.
It's all pretty obvious other than that. Here's the first part of my bookmarks.adr file for an example:
Opera Hotlist version 2.0
Options: encoding = utf8, version=3
NAME=Index of /mageia/distrib/2/x86_64/media/tainted/release/
UNIQUEID=46250650FD5311E1A92BFCF391038C72You see the bookmark starts with #URL. CREATED is the time the bookmark was created (in internet time format), VISITED is the last time you actually visited it ... and there may be a few other lines there if you've set a nickname, description, or have it set to display on the bookmarks bar. If you see an entry that starts with #FOLDER, then it is a folder ... and if you see a hyphen on a line by itself that is the end of the previous folder. (Not that folder structure really matters to you here, just including it if you wonder what all the other stuff in the file is about.
can you please show me by steps on how I would do that? I would really like to reset back the original dates.
Version of Opera? In Opera 12.x and earlier it isn't too hard, as the bookmarks file bookmarks.adr can be edited in any text editor. In Opera 20 you'd need a database editor ...
yes I'm using opera 12, how would I restore the original dates? Thank you for the reply.
I imported my bookmarks from Firefox only to have the original saved dates lost; Now all my bookmarks are set to the current date during when imported. Is there any possible way to set back the original dates of bookmark saved or everything is reseted. Not that is too important but i prefer the original set dates.
"Depending on how you had installed Opera, the bookmarks.adr file you want probably is not the copy in Programs. In a typical Opera "installation, there is a sub-folder beneath /Programs/opera called /defaults that contains a mostly-unpopulated bookmarks.adr file that Opera only uses for new installations or if it cannot find an existing, legitimate bookmarks.adr file in the user's own account/profile folder whenever Opera is opened or closed. The bookmarks file you want, populated with your own bookmarks additions, is the copy that lived in the user's own account or profile folder, whose actual location path depends on the Windows version, the type of Opera installation (regular or USB, single-user or multiple-user), and whether Opera was originally installed into the default-prompted */opera folder or one with some other name."
c:/Users/**username**/AppData/Roaming/Opera/opera. In such a case, that user's notes.adr file should be in that folder, as should his bookmarks.adr file.
Thank you for your responses . In the middle of reinstalling Opera just prior to deleting the previous one I had realized I didn't save or back up my notes and then quickly installed and ran Recuva. I wasn't able to find any notes.adr at all so I'm wondering if they are saved under a different name? I heard there are third parties programs to transfer them but I personally had never used them.
the files path is c:/program files/opera
The thing is Opera program file still contains bookmark.adr files but they simply aren't appearing even though I keep reinstalling a few different 12 versions.
Originally posted by LeoCG:
Assuming that you are using Opera 12.16 or older, just copying the files to Opera's profile folder should do the trick. Also, if you were using Link you can just enable it on the new install.
Now, if you have installed Opera 15+, it doesn't have Notes.
Thank you for the reply. The thing is I'm not even sure what the note file name or where it is store exactly. Could you please guide me by steps on how to do that? I couldn't find any file saved as note.bak or any files with 'note.' in it. Yes I'm using Opera 12
I have a feeling it is still there but isn't showing up. Does a restore point even recover deleted files?
I intended to delete opera and reinstall to default the preference setting and realized I had forgot about backing up the notes which i wasn't even sure how to do. currently I have tried system restore without any success. I have found the bookmarks .adr file so I know it still saved in program files but unrecognized by computer. Neither has shown up(only the feeds has remains.) I'm thinking they might show back up if i install one of the 12. versions i was previously using but so far no success. Is there anyway to recover the notes?
I had a similar experience where bookmarks disappeared with when Opera updated but then shown up again when it switch back to the current version again.