This is no trobleshooting-thread but a feedback thread about silent auto-update and about lack of documentation.
I am a confident logfile-reader and my Mac is fine.
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This is no trobleshooting-thread but a feedback thread about silent auto-update and about lack of documentation.
I am a confident logfile-reader and my Mac is fine.
yesterday, my Mac froze during surfing the web, reading text-mainly websites.
the mouse pointer still moved but couldn't "click" and the keyboard ALT-Tab took several seconds to respond.
because I couldn"t remember how to shutdown the Mac using the keyboard shortcut,
I had to force shutdown.
when I restartet it, OSX opened the last opened apps again, and lo and behold, Opera opened an "Update Success"-page.
that made me paranoid. For I am no user who appreciates automatic updates at all - least of all Silent ones.
How am I supposed to fix my system if I don"t know what was happening?
I searched far and wide for a setting to disable Opera Autoupdate and could not find any.
Indeed, as happens all the time when I search for any help about Opera features, I got results from the opera-websites - about Opera ver 12....
which obviously don"t ever apply at all.
The missing documentation AND most of all: the silent autoupdate made me switch over to Safari now, for good.
I exported my bookmarks.... using an extension I had to search for... because the help doesn"t mention a non-existant feature - and googling documentation again is only found stuff about version 12.
Not a good show!
If I were a programming-manager I would not follow a path like "All users are Stupid. Let's keep them immature and install silently stuff they don"t want. Let's not warn them. In short: Let's use Best-Virus-Programming-practice because they're used to it, anyway."
Thanks for reading my feedback