What the Heck is going on here? Kaspersky is reporting it as Malware, the one on my PC is 426k, is dated 9/15/2014, and starts with "This program cannot be run in DOS mode". The description I get from my Kaspersky Internet Security app is "Legitimate program that can be used by criminals to damage your computer or personal data." For crying out loud - it's an executable file without an extension! WHY doesn't a knowledgeable Forum Administrator or Opera Software-Developer type chime in with an explanation? Some have made guesses and offered unsupported suggestions, for which they should be thanked, but that's not an explanation! WHY does Opera bury a weirdly-named executable file without an extension deep in the "File System" directory, and then ignore a forum posting with "Antivirus warning" in the title - which also contains the filename?
I don't know that the file is as dangerous as Kaspersky would lead one to believe; I don't think it is. The warning pops up after a reboot, but is only up for 2-3 seconds, so I don't know how long it's been going on. If Kaspersky is the only one reporting it, then maybe Kaspersky is being overly zealous. Then again, Kaspersky is a premier anti-malware application, so maybe the others just aren't as good as Kaspersky. Still, legitimate concerns are being expressed by Opera users, and those concerns deserve being addressed - by a Forum Administrator or Opera Software-Developer type. Deleting the file is an attractive idea, but my experience with Software Developers is that they tend to include in the build-kit files that are necessary for the full functionality of the application - functionality that may not get used for days, weeks or months after someone does something stupid - like deleting a required file.