thanks for the replies. Looks like I will keep searching.
Do more on the web, with a fast and secure browser!
Download Opera browser with:
thanks for the replies. Looks like I will keep searching.
I am sick to death of firefox and their constant cramming of all kinds of extra junk into their browser. But they have some options that I want. But I have stopped using firefox. I want to know if there is a way to make Opera more like the old style of browser because I use one system for my business and I want it clutter free, and constantly use some features that I simply can not find them in the "settings". I have searched opera help and there is very little info for much of anything, or I can not find it. I found instructions for Opera 12 but none of that is relevant.
First, I want access to all of the toolbars. I want to have the "File, Print, Save" etc toolbar.
Second, I want a separate search box. I hate the search in the address bar
Third, a way to shut off tabs and open in new windows.
I want a "Home" button
I want to get rid of the "Speed dial" crap, including the icon on the toolbar.
I want to be able to add and remove items from toolbars, and edit as I see fit, not as opera sees fit.
I can explain my reasoning if necessary. If I can not change the things i want to I will unistall Opera and move on to something else.