I am still having problems. As I said I use Opera on few computers and they would not display a pdf. All I got was a blank screen everytime I tried to display one!
You proved to me yesterday that I was doing something wrong and showed me how to display a pdf on my laptop.
This morning I am on my desktop and I cannot get the pdf to display. This is the screenshot of the coffee break pdf given above http://s617.photobucket.com/user/Tel567/media/ScreenPrint.png.html showing a blank screen.
I have typed opera://plugins in the address bar and Chrome PDF Viewer was there and enabled. After I did that on my laptop the pdf displayed although I can assure you they did not before I asked the question. I have just done it on the desktop and all I get is a blank screen just like the screenshot above.
This is the Opera details on my desktop. My laptop details are similar.
Version: 26.0.1656.60 - Opera is up to date
Update stream: Stable
System: Windows 7 64-bit (WoW64)
Browser identification