Just managed to get Ultidash https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ultidash-new-tab/dghaelfeofkkdebndhkfoneojddiebhd (like Momentum but totally free! And 90% of the good features included) to work on Opera thanks to this thread! Super chuffed.
Installed https://addons.opera.com/es/extensions/details/install-chrome-extensions/ and https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/new-tab-start-page/mjfahldkpjhcnfbbmdhpjolcjpcfhcpj and then went right-click copy link address on the greeting refresh button that appears under the greeting when you hover on it on the Ultidash tab. Put that link in as my new tab page, and it works! So I managed to get a url redirect for the new tab page from a new tab plugin that puts no url in the address bar. This may work for other Chrome new tab plugins with a refresh button!