First of all I couldn't find a technical support forum on here. If this is the wrong place please be so kind to move it there dear moderator, I looked around and couldn't find a better fitting place.
Secondly I have to really restrain me from not swearing around because my mood is pretty hot.
EMAIL HOTMAIL why is it that after months this is stuill not working? I can not log in to my hotmail and many seem to have it just go google hotmail opera problem and you'll find numerous posts all over the net. I come to the log in screen and enter my log in but when I hit enter or log in I instead of being in my inbox or mail service can't get past a blank page. And NO this has nothing to do with me doing something wrong or my pc it is you.
SENDSPACE I can not upload anything to that place because it does not respond to me clicking on it. hard to describe... You gotta click on the button and then a window will come up where you can select the file you want to upload. That used to work but since i dunno how long ago it does no longer work. I can not use the search. the quick search works but the normal one does not.
YOUTUBE various problems from buttons overlapping to parts of the screen overlapping again hard to describe to all sorts of visual problems. Also sometimes the video stops loading and all bunch of other problems.
FLASH sometimes opera crashes when I think there's a flash application somewhere. I noticed it crashing often when I browse flash gallery sites.
BOOKMARKS GETTING DELETED One faithfull day all my bookmarks were gone. Thx a lot! You have to come up woith an auto save for the bookmarks every 1 week to some save place on my HDD because Opera has this habbit to delete bookmarks. It used to happen once long ago and now a part of it is gone.
I know that it is you who is the problem! I do not have these problems when using IE or the Steam browser. i do not have any attachement modifications or anything I use Opera 12.16 and omg the newer versions look like horsedung especially next. A heart symbol replaces bookmarks really?
Don't make me look for an alternative! I warn you! I am desperate as I do not want anything from apple nor google nor IE nor any hipster casual stuff. Fix my opera! 9 ruled.