I think so, haven't changed any passwords that I can remember.
Posts made by nerevarreborn
RE: Cant even log in to the syncing pageSynchronization
RE: Cant even log in to the syncing pageSynchronization
Well I do get to a page with a video tutorial there. Is that it?
If so, that seems to guide you to a convenient status bar at the bottom, with the cloud button in the bottom left corner. Well, guess what, I haven't had a status bar since I don't know....Opera 16? 18? Or was it 12?
There are no damn buttons down there on my current 22, neither was it on my previous 20. Do they even try to keep help and tutorials up do date? Read about Opera Link in the help as well, same thing there. It says to click stuff that doesn't exist, and haven't existed for quite some time. This all seems like a big joke.
Cant even log in to the syncing pageSynchronization
I know the sync hardly even works as it is, but I can't even log in to the Opera Link thing at all. I log in to all the other Opera stuff fine, but if I click on the Opera Link in the dropdown menu or use the Synchronize button on the browser menu I just get to a new log in page, with my details already there. I press log in and it just takes me back to the same log in page. Nothing happens, not even a wrong password or username or anything. I have reset the password and tried all kinds of stuff.
What is going on?
RE: Opera and Vine videos....Opera for Windows
Meaning that Opera is the only browser among the big ones that can't play something as common as Vines?
RE: An error occurred while checking for updatesOpera for Windows
Just saw a post about it that it's known and is being fixed. I did search before I posted, but it was hidden in another topic, so missed it.
An error occurred while checking for updatesOpera for Windows
Get that message every time I go into About Opera and wait a few secs for it to look for available updates. Was the same with my previous 19 build as with the current 20.0.1387.82.
Anyone else?
Opera and Vine videos....Opera for Windows
I have had this issue for ages now. I remember it starting with some version 12 build, and I just gave up on fixing it, used FF instead for Vines. A while later I "upgraded" to Opera 19, and some old issues were fixed, others appeared. Tried again to get Vines to work today, and came upon a tip to try to enable the "Disable hardware-accelerated video decode" option in chrome://flags. That didn't work, so I just upgraded Opera to 20.0.1387.82. Still no Vine videos. Reset the flags option to default again, no dice.
Yes, latest Flash, everything works in any other browser tested, like latest FF or Chrome. What is the issue here?
Vine videos load a black embedded screen with the mute/un-mute button and Vine logo overlay visible, but no still picture or anything. Right clicking on it shows a greyed out "Movie not loaded..." above the "About Adobe Flash etc..." Have tried to fiddle with Flash player settings, disabling hardware acc etc, nothing works.
For instance, this page: https://vine.twitter.com shows all black screens. Plays fine in other browsers.
RE: Signed up today to access the forums, but cant even browse it?Opera for Windows
I see now it only happens when I'm logged in. Tried another browser and didn't log in, and then I got all of it, same after I logged out in Opera and Firefox. If I log back in it all disappears.
Signed up today to access the forums, but cant even browse it?Opera for Windows
Just signed up to ask about a problem with icons not showing correctly in my Opera brower, but now I'm even more confused about the forums here not even showing when I browse them. Had to google a specific section of the forums and use that link to even get here to write this. Clicking on the Forums button in the menu leads me to this:
....which seems incomplete. Tried to access the same page from Firefox and get the same. And if I click above where it says "Forums » Opera for Windows/Mac/Linux » Opera browser" (when out on this part of the forums) on the "Opera for Windows/Mac/Linux" part I get to this:
...where there is nothing at all. Am I missing something or is this site partially down? Best start another thread later to ask what I actually came here for, missing icons.