I can't connect to any website that use a strong signature because I connect to internet through a company proxy that will decrypt all SSL and re-encrypt it :
Me >>>>weak SSL>>>> compagny proxy that acts like man in the middle >>>strong SSL>>> Google or any other website
Very wisely, Opera detects that I'm not connecting directly to Google or the external website and blocks the traffic with this message :
"You attempted to reach www.google.com, but the server presented a certificate signed using a weak signature algorithm (such as SHA-1). This means that the security credentials the server presented could have been forged, and the server may not be the server you expected (you may be communicating with an attacker)."
However there is no option to tell Opera that I KNOW THIS IS HAPPENING AND I'M OKAY WITH IT.
I need this to be able to use Opera. (it worked until a few updates ago)
I need an option to tell Opera that I can trust that company proxy that breaks the SSL tunnel and reads all my traffic. I know my trafic won't be protected anymore and will be read. (an icon indicating that someone might be reading my SSL traffic would still be cool as a reminder though)