Hello linuxmint7, sorry for the delay, other timezone and today we selabrate Eastern in Greece, I truly appreciate your help, thank you so much, was very kind of you, but youtube still has the same problem. "an error occured please try again later".
I revert the flash player to a previous version (11.7.700.275)
I would like to say one more please. I am using ccleaner. In the registry section with all boxes checked, I am continually getting the following problem.
Missing MUI Reference @C:\WINDOWS\system32\en-US\mstsc.exe.mui,-4004 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache (after revert twice)
I have attempted to remove it several time without success. I have never had this happen before a few days. When I scan my computer, "mstsc.exe.mui" is where it belongs. I have "fixed the issue" several times and it keeps on showing up again as an issue. Of course, I backed up the registry each time. How do I resolve the fact that the issue keeps recurring? Or, could it be a false positive? Any suggestions would be appreciated?