I have been through all the browsers. IE is an abomination, Firefox is getting to big and slow, and I use Chrome only because I keep my work diary in Calendar. Then I very recently discovered Opera and liked things well enough it is now my default browser at work. Liked it until I bookmarked some thing and tried to organize it so I can quickly fine what I marked. OUCH! I'm having a very hard time doing anything that is easy in all other browsers. So I am asking for help and am assuming it's just me but let's find out.
I want to create a new folder inside of My Folders called Phone Stuff. How do I do that?
After I have the new folder I want to move several bookmarks into it. Easiest would be drag and drop but I can't even move these marks into an existing folder. How do I do that?
Thanks ahead of time to anyone that can tell me how to do these 2 simple tasks. If it is not possible then I guess I'll have to say goodbye to Opera and go back to something that works. I'm already getting in trouble here at work because I am not being productive and earning my pay as I have to spend so much time trying to do something I need but can't get to work in Opera 28. I would like to stay with Opera as I like several things about it. But I need to store locations I need to come back to later and in such a manner that my weak brain can remember where it is easily and quickly. For me that means stuff in folders with names I use and in that the bookmarks that naturally fall under the folder name. At least my Imported Bookmarks from Firefox to Opera did not change at all so if I had previously had placed it in Firefox where I can easily find it I can find it again in Opera under Imports.