So that why. Thank you. Gues I have to go for another may app.
Latest posts made by mdlf
RE: Image resizer in Opera Mail like OutlookOpera for Windows
Image resizer in Opera Mail like OutlookOpera for Windows
Why cant I resize an image in a composted email message in Opera Mail? In outlook you can past a image as it is and resize the image by draging it smaller or bigger, creating the ability to compose a more colorfull mail, but I cant seem to find this option. Evenn Apple mail has it, only there you can choose for small, normal or bigger size, but still, it has the option to do so. Why is Opera Mail missing this important option? I now have to resize it externally before I past the picture in an composing Opera Email. Rea;;y annoying, which results me recommending Outlook to other people, because it has more playfull option in wich you can do almost anything with..