Originally posted by arashpour:
It's just a common mistake. It is not "Opera" 15. It's a Chrome. I think there has been a typo in the first page of Opera's website.
@leushino, I will find it hard to believe if you deny that you are getting paid by Opera to post in these forums constantly ( I sincerely hope that you get paid!). Nobody has that much time or will to come here and go on every topic making long arguments defending what is basically rubbish. Anyway, I hope at least the money is worth it to be a hired troll\ LOL
He's probably just a loser troll that has nothing better to do with his life than hang around here and make fun of the tens and tens of people who complain about the (brilliant in his ... opinion) new opera. In his self-centered little world he knows better than everyone else.
In the meantime I have yet to see anyone praise the new versions. But that's a minor detail to a troll.