Does anyone know how to communicate with CI+ CAM module via HbbTV 1.2.1?
We have created these objects
<object type="application/oipfDrmAgent" id="oipfDrmAgent"></object>
<object type="application/oipfGatewayInfo" id="gatewayinfo"></object>
Before sending data to CI+ module, we need to know CI+ status and <only> Samsung TV 2014 has a true value of isCSPGCIPlusSupported.
Others TV like a LG, Panasonic, Gogen have a false value.
... and now we called
drmagent = document.getElementById('oipfDrmAgent');
drmagent.onDRMSystemMessage = this.onDRMMessage;
drmagent.onDRMMessageResult = this.onDRMRetrieve;
ret = drmagent.sendDRMMessage("application/vnd.oipf.cspg-hexbinary", '0x0108113101190000' ,'urn:dvb:casystemid:3478');
And we have retrieved message number, resultMsg has null object and resultCode has a value 2.
onDRMRetrieve: function(msgID, resultMsg, resultCode){
var drminfo = document.getElementById('drminfo');
drminfo.innerHTML += '
DRM retrieve message' + msgID + ' ' + resultMsg + ' ' + resultCode;
On TV LG HbbTV 1.2.1
Note: ETSI TS 102 796 V1.1.1 (2010-06) has defined sending messages via sendContentPurchaseMessage(), but this function is not defined
I have three questions:
- How to make a message string passed via sendDRMMessage like a '0x0108113101190000'?
- We need to know how to get the CSSN number from CI+ card.
- Are there any security problems related?