@daria19: OK. I suspect that problem was another Opera window (which had only one tab). I closed that and after that I tried this arrange method and Opera suddenly closed. Restarted with same tab-settings. But after that tried again and then it worked. If I have time I try to test can I reproduce this or not.

Posts made by koimark
RE: Opera 117 developerBlogs
RE: Opera 117 developerBlogs
@pilotbilal: I totally gree the need of this feature. That should work togetger with AI grouping of tabs too.
RE: Opera 117 developerBlogs
@leocg: Still doesn't work for me. Windows 11 V23H2 (Finnish version) - "Ryhmävälitys" seems not to work. Maybe later I would try to switch language or something else.
RE: Opera 117 developerBlogs
@koimark: So the error is not erro like exception or program fault but that AI doesn't know how to proceed to actual arrangement of tabs.
RE: Opera 117 developerBlogs
@daria19: I'm doing exactly the same procedure in Windows than Mac. Right click from tab and choose "Välilehtien hallinta tekoälyllä" - "Tab management via AI" Then selecting the tab arrangement based on url "Ryhmävälitys" Ryhmitä välilehdet saariksi verkkosivuston mukaan" -> "Arrange tabs to islands based on url" or something like that.
That gives error in Windows "Hmm... En löydä välilehtiä jotka liittyvät siihen. Jos olen väärässä yritä kysyä uudelleen" translation: Hmm. I don't find tabs related to that. If I am wrong try ask again"
Here are screenshots.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/5u48eh402vz8nydn7qu3n/AIGjfM2tJ2IipTSMJUa1Gfc?rlkey=rm1ndt0pmcvq1lfys32muluct&dl=0 -
RE: Opera 117 developerBlogs
I noticed opportunity to use AI to arrange tabs to islands. Tested it with my Macbook Pro and it worked nicely. But in Windows that doesn't seem to do nothing. It tells somekind of error that AI doesn't find suitable tabs to that. Am I missing something?
- Blogs
RE: Opera 115 developerBlogs
@daria19: Thanks for you. I just want to have full use of my precious 20 USD student registration fee of Opera from year 2001
- I think that I started to use Opera as my main browser since 5.x.
RE: Opera 115 developerBlogs
I kind of like tab island but after arrangement it exploded immediately. I would suggest feature to "Arrange duplicates to tab island" - meaning that every urls of certain domains moved to same tab island. Or maybe some other way to arrange things. Maybe there would be need of Tab Island Organiser -addon or something.
And maybe also option to define urls (using wildcards etc) to guide where links will be opened. For example I would like to have Tab island containing IG-pages - and when I click Threads -link in IG it would be nice that this link would be opened as a tab in Threads Island. Etc. That way clutters stay away.
IF link url contains instagram -> IG Tab Island
else if link url contains facebook -> FB Tab Island
else if link url contains youtube or "other streaming service" -> Media Tab Island.
(This could be mayba part of bookmarks property - so you could arragne all kind of addresses that belongs to -> Humor Tab Island etc. )
if link base url is found in bookmarks - find Tab Island information from there. -
RE: Opera 114.0.5242.0 developer updateBlogs
Quite many "Fix detected dangling ptr..." - it would be nice to know more. Were those caused by same component / same programmer / same situation of sunspot.
RE: Opera 114 developerBlogs
I lost my passwords in Windows version. Haven't happened earlier. In Macbook everything ok and sync is turned on. I don't know what went wrong. Anyone else experiencing this?
RE: Opera 113.0.5222.0 developer updateBlogs
@koimark: Just realized that also "Open link in Tab Island..." is missing too. And there are already many option to how to open links so I think I personally would use "Ask Always" -option when clicking. (It could be annoying because of additional click but still)
RE: Opera 113.0.5222.0 developer updateBlogs
I got an idea to make rules how clicking link behaves. For example:
IF link URL starts with "www.threads.net" - open link in Tab Island "Social media" etc. That way browser stays organized. That also needs way to identify Tab Island better - current color coding is not enough. (Remeber Tab Stacks?)
It could be rule based and you can define default behaviour - open as new tab or open new tab in Tab Island "Stuff" -
RE: Opera 113.0.5222.0 developer updateBlogs
@ralf-brinkmann: I think I would like this feature IF i could teach myself to use fa less tabs.
I've switched from Workspaces to Tab Island but still quite a mess. I like that Opera allows many ways to arragen tabs - problem is me.
RE: Opera 113 developerBlogs
@indiqazzz: Same happened to me. Renamed Profile folder and Opera starts with empty profile. Then copied Default-folder inside of old profile folder to this new profile foldern and it worked.
RE: Opera 113 developerBlogs
In my macOS Sonoma I got boot loop when upgrading to this version. I copied profile folder and started with empty profile and then copied old profiles Default-folder back in place and now it seems to work.
RE: Opera 112.0.5196.0 developer updateBlogs
@koimark: Spoke too fast. Still occasional freezes after closing tabs (mostly using Ctrl+W).
RE: Opera 112.0.5196.0 developer updateBlogs
@chlan0321: Yes I can confirm this with W11 64. I usually close tabs with CTRL+W. I thought earlier that disabling tab emojis helped but it seemed that I just dont' close any tabs after that.
RE: Opera 112.0.5196.0 developer updateBlogs
Thanks for fast fix for instability. Link in changelog points to previous post.
RE: Opera 112.0.5193.0 developer updateBlogs
@tspringer: It could be that those tab emojis caused crashes/hangins. At least it seems to me that after disableing those browser has not crashed. I have (too) many tabs (278) so it could be that large amount of tabs and tab emojis are the problem?