Hi @brunoabatti, go to opera:settings/configureCommands, and remove the default key bindings for "Cycle backward through tabs" / "Cycle forward through tabs", or rebind them to e.g. "Ctrl+F1" / "Ctrl+F2", and then scroll down to the "Switch left through tabs" / "Switch right through tabs", and add "Ctrl+Shift+Tab" / "Ctrl+Tab" for these functions, or try to use the default shortcuts: "Ctrl+PageUp" / "Ctrl+PageDown", or "Ctrl+1" / "Ctrl+2" 😉
That's not what he's asking. He's asking to disable the preview while using the MRU tab function. Rebinding the keys to move left/right doesn't accomplish the same thing.
There is a checkbox for enabling/disabling the tab preview, but as of right now it doesn't seem to be correctly applied during tab switching.