still not workin.
Posts made by knarz
- Opera for Windows
RE: Crypto Wallet not working with web3 ever sinceOpera for Windows
Thanks for the first and this reply btw.
The links states the topic: "How do I make a transaction with my Crypto Wallet on Opera for computers?"It shows the how the wallet should work and "confirmation" is done by the smartphone (I think on some way you are kind of right, with mirroring as I don't think the transaction is processed on the computer at all). The problem than is still that web3 is blocked and absolutly no website you should be able to connect the wallet to can be connected. They only recognise the address but no further information (like balance) can be queryed. Whatever the problem exactly is... the Team should free up the way to use MetaMask again or fix the communication betwen smartphone/computer/website.
You can check it out yourself by e.g. using Uniswap or MyEtherWallet = balance will be 0 and nothing can be done = shows the error... (nice from them) -
RE: Crypto Wallet not working with web3 ever sinceOpera for Windows
ofc android works but why promote or make it the crypto wallet available / visible in opera desktop if you cant use it in any way? With the built in wallet the option to use MetaMask ist gone. Or at least I don't know how to "free up" the web3 interface that MM can use it again.
- Opera for Windows
- Opera for Windows
- Opera for Windows
Crypto Wallet not working with web3 ever sinceOpera for Windows
just to make it short. I tried many things to connect with the wallet to sites like myetherwallet, uniswap and also local web3 sites. But every time no funds are shwon and it just don't work. At MEW I at least get an error message (s. below - I hope this helps). This is ever since and also applies to a completely new installed Opera Instance with absolutly not User-data. Brave with Crypto Wallet works fine (so nothing is blocked by the system)The Adress is shown than on the connected websites but nothing else. I don't want to be rude but it seems it never worked and I don't understand how to promote a feature that does just not work.?! This behaviour is ever since and opera got updated several times.
{ "exception": { "values": [ { "type": "TypeError", "value": "Cannot read property 'net' of undefined", "stacktrace": { "frames": [ { "colno": 46620, "filename": "", "function": "n", "in_app": true, "lineno": 847 }, { "colno": 80737, "filename": "", "function": "?", "in_app": true, "lineno": 68 }, { "colno": 81260, "filename": "", "function": "o", "in_app": true, "lineno": 68 }, { "colno": 74025, "filename": "", "function": "a.<anonymous>", "in_app": true, "lineno": 1 }, { "colno": 75761, "filename": "", "function": "a.web3WalletPollNetwork", "in_app": true, "lineno": 1 } ] }, "mechanism": { "handled": true, "type": "instrument", "data": { "function": "setTimeout" } } } ] }, "level": "error", "event_id": "df790f3234584e2fb527463a81e82861", "platform": "javascript", "timestamp": 1615156244.507, "environment": "web", "release": "5.7.22", "request": { "url": "", "headers": { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36 OPR/74.0.3911.203" } }, "extra": { "arguments": [] }, "tags": { "network": "ETH", "service": "", "walletType": "web3_wallet" } }
RE: Comment-field in youtube is gone in Opera onlyOpera for Windows
I had similar problem.
Not Signed Up: Comments visible.
Logged in: No comment section at all! - Clearing every cache did not help.
I needed to delete:
(was 4MB after clearing in Settings)Than it worked