Originally posted by svetivoda:
Wrong! I do not owe them anything becouse it is my support (and others like me, of course) who make Opera what it is and makes them money. Certainly do not expect to be payed
but I DO NOT owe them enything and I'm free to go on and look for really advances browser as Opera used to be.
"I think this is the end of a beautiful friendship!"
Nothing more - nothing less.
This is my point with changing the browser engine your gona piss a lot of people off changing the browser engine every so often I really hope this the end of that. Also before changing the browser should take a community vote I have never seen a poll on the engine change, then again, Opea can do what they want right? Also I think they were unique with their own engine. They need their own engine that's faster than the chrome engine cause really chrome just don't cut it; I hope Oprea does not add any worse crap from chrome like their extensions. they have exploits that may cripple Opera also chrome spys on the user. I never new Opera to spy but Google does and that's a fact I hope Oprea is not on board with this that would be sad if they were?