*Yes, maybe it's better to deal with the issue by extension, so that the browser isn't affected by those who don't want the feature. And as a matter of fact, here's an opera extension, Open New Tab, where if you hold a link a little longer, it is supposed to open the link in a new background tab. https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/open-new-tab/?display=en I tried it, though, and it didn't seem to work right for me. So, I guess we live with the right click on the tab to use context menu to open it in a new tab, or the keyboard cut (control, shift, and click on the link). It works . . .
Many thanks - that's the best solution so far. I wasn't looking for a hard coded solution anyway.
Sorry, but that link comes up with "Unavailable Option". So much for that one!!