@ginger1984 Hello, all right, see what you posted as an answer nothing to conclude from her and no technical information, grateful.
Latest posts made by jfopera
RE: Opera for Android Questions to answer about "opera VPN"Opera for Android
RE: Opera for Android Questions to answer about "opera VPN"Opera for Android
I checked the proxy servers in the regions of America, region as ideal and asia and found in all the anonymous and transparent proxies but what called my attention, I put the "operavpn" in several tests to verify effectiveness in speed, security and possible leaks and I find a speed that is acceptable when downloading but not uploading with a "10mb" internet.
Already in the security part I was satisfied with the results because there were no leaks "dns", ip and "tls" test found as good too.
Note.Good people that this part is carefully checked because in Asia, as already said, america and ideally informed region I checked in "proxies port test" a very large number of Proxys with their respective "open doors" and we know that analyzing the information simply in this way is insecure, it is a "have proxies with open doors" exposure and I speak this way because "operavpn" must have some security policy applied to circumvent the situation, or type, open doors may be signaling programs in use on these ports for the user's own benefit or not because the question is why such a large number of open ports of proxies reaching more than 30 open ports in the regions mentioned, grateful.
Opera for Android Questions to answer about "opera VPN"Opera for Android
Hello, all right, I'm using "operates with mobile VPN" and doing a lot of "technical analysis with various tools" to come to a conclusion of its effectiveness.
Good in "TLS" testing support was found to be good everywhere.
In the DNS and IP leak tests "ok didn't detect either" leaks either.
I checked a very large distribution of DNS servers spread and "verified" with good practice ... is this correct?!?!.
"Transparent proxies" have been detected and as we know of their support of HTTP protocol and not HTTPS and as not all websites support http how "operavpn" works, what rules exist for finding traffic "too" over HTTPS or alternatives as well safe?!?!
On the web, Proxy web uses port 80 (or exceptions for suitability !! Or not ...), in this case, as above, there may be leakage, direct from another begging service to other ports bypassing outside of VPN traffic bringing exposure dangers, well, what does the "operate" do about that too which rules apply?!?!, thankful.
[link text] ([link url] (link url))
Note.In all texts, questionnaires need explanations in the points cited this is very important.
Note.I need to be informed in technical data and available to the user security features, DNS servers etc.
Note About the VPN speed test I have not yet come to a conclusion due to "instability" in the connection, but still and due to characteristics of the VPN service, (distance, bandwidth available to the user, number of users accessing the same) server etc !!) got an average of 4MB of DONWLOAD and UP did not even reach 1MB ... but at this point I keep looking for better results, grateful.
Sincerely, Jerson
Questões a ser respondidas sobre o "opera VPN"Opera for Android
Olá,tudo bem,estou usando o" opera com VPN mobile" e fazendo várias "análises técnicas com várias ferramentas"para chegar a uma conclusão de sua eficácia.
Bom nos testes de" TLS" ficou constatado o suporte como bom em todas as partes.
Nos testes de vazamentos DNS e IP "ok também não detectei "vazamentos.
Verifiquei uma distribuição muito grande de servidores DNS espalhados e "constatado"com uma boa prática...está correto este isto?!?!.
Foi detectado "proxys transparentes" e como sabemos do seu suporte ao protocolo HTTP e não ao HTTPS e como nem todos os site suportam http como o "operavpn" trabalha,que regras existe para que acha o tráfego "também" pelo HTTPS ou alternativas também seguras?!?!.
Na web, Proxy web,usa a porta 80(ou excessões para adequações!! Ou não...) ,neste caso,assim como o citado acima, pode haver fuga,direcionar de outro serviço pedinte para outras porta contornando por fora da VPN o tráfego trazendo perigos de exposição,pois bem,o que o "opera" faz a respeito disso também quais regras aplicadas?!?!, grato.
[link text]([link url](link url))
Obs.Em todos os textos,questionarios é preciso explicações nos pontos citados isto é muito importante.
Obs.E preciso que me informem em dados técnicos e disponibilizados para o usuário caracteriscas de segurança,servidores DNS etc.
Obs.Sobre o teste de velocidade da VPN ainda não cheguei a uma conclusão devido a uma "instabilidade" na conexão ,mas mesmo assim e devido a caracteriscas próprias do serviço VPN,(distância,banda disponível ao usuário,número de usuários acessando o mesmo servidor etc!!)consegui uma média de 4MB de DONWLOAD e UP não chegou nem a 1MB...mas neste ponto sigo buscando melhores resultados,grato.
Atenciosamente, Jerson