Its because Google has flagged the IP the data saver is using as a bot.
You can normally get around it by being logged into a good google account, otherwise disable the data saver and/or try another 3rd party one.
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Its because Google has flagged the IP the data saver is using as a bot.
You can normally get around it by being logged into a good google account, otherwise disable the data saver and/or try another 3rd party one.
Got a much better script to bypass those annoying video stopping prompts.
It will auto Consent to videos, it will auto click the I Understand and auto click No Thanks for the free trial.
((a, t) => {
let waitTime = 10; //how many seconds to wait for any sign-in popup to appear after fresh-loading a web page
switch (location.hostname) {
case "consent.youtube.com":
if (a = document.querySelector('[type="submit"]')) a.click();
case "www.youtube.com":
addEventListener("load", h => {
t = (new Date).getTime();
h = setInterval(() => {
if (a = document.querySelector('yt-upsell-dialog-renderer tp-yt-paper-button[aria-label="No thanks"]')) a.click();
if (a = document.querySelector('yt-button-renderer tp-yt-paper-button[aria-label="I understand and wish to proceed"]')) a.click();
if (((new Date).getTime() - t) > (waitTime * 1000)) clearInterval(h)
}, 100);
For anyone that wants a script that will auto click the "I Understand" button when you try to watcha "Graphic Video"
You can add this in the plugin options. It basically just looks for the I Understand button and if found will click it.
function waitForElm(selector) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
return resolve(document.querySelector(selector));
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
waitForElm('tp-yt-paper-button').then((elm) => {
console.log('Element is ready');